Make Up *H.MM x C.SC* Part 2

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"Momo!" Seungcheol screamed, reaching out towards Momo, who was just standing there. He kept getting further and further away from him, while he struggled to get to her. "Please don't leave me!" Momo just stared at him, as he reach out to her again. Momo faded away, as she was replaced by Nana.

"She is never coming back, dear," she spoke to him, as she is a clone of Momo. "You killed her!"

"I didn't! I love her! I would give my life for her."

"Yet she is dead." Nana just gave him a smirk. "And I'm glad."

"How dare you speak ill of my Momo! Who the hell do you think you are?" Nana just stood there, as she faded into Momo. Seungcheol had to blink, thinking it was a trick. Momo had a sad look on her face, as she faded into Nana, who had a wicked look on her face.

"More than you ever know."
"Seungcheol, wake up!" Joshua yelled at him, as he was shaking him. Seungcheol let out a scream, shooting up from his bed. He was breathing hard, sweating all over, and unfocused. "It's all right. You just had a nightmare."

"I..." he tried to speak, as he couldn't shake the image of Momo and Nana from his dream. How they were so alike, yet so different. He reached for his necklace, where her ring was hanging off. He clutched it and took deep breaths.

"This is the fourth nightmare you had this week. You haven't had nightmares since..." Joshua stopped, as he didn't want to trigger him more. Seungcheol just let out a few sobs, as Joshua held him.

"I miss her so much..." he whispered, sobbing. Outside the room, Woozi was listening in. He hates his leader to be like this, as he need to do something.
"You need to tell him," Woozi said, as he got Nana into a room at the company building. Nana just snort at him. "Listen, since you appeared, Seungcheol has been a wreck. He is getting nightmares of you again."

"It's not my problem, I'm just here for business. Once my business is done, I won't have to deal you again," Nana simply replied to him.

"I will tell everyone that Nana is Momo."

"I doubt anyone would believe you. I'm far different from my old self. I have did a good job hiding the fact that I'm a complete different person."

"Do you enjoy this? You are hurting him!"

"Well he hurt me!" Nana snapped. "He broke my heart for betraying me, Jihoon! I did what was right! I had to get some payback as well! Tell me how would you feel if you saw the love of your life, kissing one of your members! How everyone didn't batter an eyelash over all of this! How I have been treating when I was my former self? I hated my life once the person I trust with my life betray me!"

"First off, I told you that Nayeon kissed him and he pushed her away. She was drunk when she did it. She regret it once I gave her a new asshole," Woozi countered her. "Everyone was upset, sad, and miserable when we heard about your "death"."

"Believe me, I would have done it but decide to just start a new life. Only my manager knows about my former history. We will be able to play off anything you say."

"Are you really Momoring?" A voice was heard from the door, as Nana and Woozi turned to see Jun, Vernon, and Dino. "Are you really?" Nana just stared at them, as the three most innocent members had to walk in on this. Woozi had a smirk on his face, knowing she isn't going to lie to them. The other members maybe, but them, they were like her children when she was with Seungcheol.

"Damn it," Nana muttered to herself, looking down. She took a deep breath and looked up at the three members. "How much did you hear?"

"Enough," Vernon said, as Dino slowly walk over to Nana. He gently reach out to her, as he wipe a bit of her makeup to reveal a tiny scar she got on her nose when Dino threw a frisbee at her face, marking her a bit.

"It is you. Momo," whispered Dino, hugging her. Nana just stood there, as Dino was crying a bit. "We all thought we lost you." Nana slowly moved her arms and wrapped them around him. Soon Jun and Vernon moved to her and held her as well. Woozi just had a smile on his face to see Momo breaking her walls down.

"I'm...sorry. I'm sorry what I had to do," Momo spoke to the three softly , as they looked at her with teary eyes. She wiped their tears away. The real Momo was coming out for the boys she adored and vice versa. "I was in so much pain and I thought it was the only way to end my pain."

"You could have came to us and we would have solve everything together, Noona," Vernon told her, holding her hand. "We were all in pain, but Hyung was far worse. We thought at one point, we were going to lose him as well." Momo just listened to the boys, telling her about the aftermath of her "death." Twice disbanded, Seungcheol near death, the struggle of everyone moving forward without Momo, she listened to everything.

"But you are back now, everyone will get to see Momo again," Jun said, as Momo shook her head.

"I'm sorry, but Momo is gone from this world. Only Nana is here. Once I'm done with my collaboration with you guys, I'm going back to Japan and staying there to build up my career."

"But you can't," Dino said, "You got to tell Seungcheol..."

"...You don't have to tell me anything." Everyone looked up and saw Seungcheol standing there. "I heard everything." Momo saw Woozi standing behind him, as she got mad.

"You damn asshole," she whispered, as she broke away from the three boys. She grabbed her bag and tried to get out of the room. Seungcheol grabbed her arm, making her stop, but she didn't look at him.

"I, I want an explanation!" He told her in a stern voice. "What the fuck did you do all of this. You don't understand the pain and suffering I had to go through for the past two years because of you!"

"Because of me! You are the one that fuck me over!" She yelled at him, pulling her arm free. "You are the one that fucking cause me to "kill" myself! You damn fucker!"

"We need to discuss all of this, Momo."

"It's Nana to you! Momo is fucking dead and is not coming back!"
Seungcheol: Quit with the cliffhanger!!!

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