Shots *H.MM x Seventeen*

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When I walk in the club. All eyes on me. I'm with the party rock crew. All drinks are free - LMFAO - Shots

Something was making sounds in her room, as Momo let out a little grunt. She moved her hand around her end table, trying to figure out if she can hit her alarm clock. When she grabbed it, she pulled it to her face to look at the time. 1:12 am. Momo set the clock down and turned over to go back to sleep. The same sound was heard in her room, as she turned to see it was her cell phone going off. Momo whined, as she reach other and grabbed her phone. She was so out of it, she didn't see who was calling her this late at night, as she hit the button.

"Hmm..." she replied, trying to wake up and rubbed her eyes.

"Can we get a penguin?" A voice told her, as Momo was puzzled. A penguin?


"Can we get a penguin? You can be the mother and I could be the father!" Momo finally woke up enough to look who is calling her and it was Seungcheol. She sat up on her bed, hearing him beg for a penguin.

"Why a penguin? And why are you calling me at 1:16 in the morning? Are you drunk or something?"

"I was watching Happy Feet and I want a baby penguin! You are perfect to be the mother," he giggled. "So can we get a penguin. We can teach it to dance to Seventeen and Twice songs....and okay that Jopping song as well."

" Go to sleep!" Momo hung up and was about to rest her head back on her pillow when her phone when off again. This time she look to see it was Jeonghan calling her. She took a breath and answer the call.


"Momo, Cheollie is crying! He said you don't want to be the mother of his penguin!" She sighed, as Jeonghan continued. "Then you can be the mother to my puppy with me!"

"How much did you guys drink..." she mumbled to him, as Jeonghan was singing, forgetting she was on the phone with him. Momo rolled her eyes, as he was singing off beat. She hung up and crashed back down to sleep. Fifteen minutes later, her phone went off as she let out a little cry. She look at her phone to see it was a video call. She declined it, but as soon as she could set the phone down it went off again. She decided to accept it, as a red face of Jun appear on screen with a goofy smile.

"Momo!" He said so cheerfully to her. "I miss you my sweet little peach!" She just gave him a weak smile.

"Jun, what..." he pouted at her, as she just sighed. "My little Junnie what are you guys doing?" He smiled so bright at her.

"We are singing and drinking and singing some more. We also were playing sports." He turned the camera to show a hurt but passed out Joshua and Woozi on the floor. They both had bandaids on their faces, snoring. "They got some ouchies but they are fine."

"Junnie it's time for you to go to bed," Momo begged him, as he just shook his head and pouted.

"But I'm not sleepy! You should come and play with me!" Momo had to cough at his statement. "Momo come play with Junnie!"

"Momo!" She heard Hoshi's voice, as she grunted. Hoshi's red face appeared on the screen! "Momo my love! I wrote a song for you! Let me sing it!"

"No I want Momo to play with me.!" The two started to fight for Momo, as she was too tired to deal with them. She had a music show to perform with her group later today and need some sleep. She just hung up on them and fell back on her bed. Only ten minutes later, he phone was blowing up. She grabbed her phone and answer without looking.

"Wah! What?!"

A sniff came through the phone, as she sighed. Great, this is not want she need at...she took a look at the phone 2:17 am.

Perfect Two *H.MM x AnyMaleIdol* Book 2Where stories live. Discover now