Where Do Broken Hearts Go *H.MM x B.BH*

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You see. I haven't been the same. Since that cold November day. We said we needed space - Whitney Houston- Where Do Broken Hearts Go

"Good job girls! You really knock it out there. Ten minutes before we are back on stage," their manager said, as everyone clapped and cheered. Momo was fixing her hair in the mirror, as someone came over to her.

"Hirai Momo?" Momo looked up to see a delivery boy with a long box in his arms. She nodded, as the boy handed the box to her. He bowed and left the room. Momo looked at the box before she unwrapped it and opened the lid to the box. It was a single pink rose, laying in a silk cloth. There was a white note at the bottom, as Momo picked up the note to read it.

Soon my love

Momo knew the handwriting, as she slipped the note back in the box. She pulled out the rose and took a sniff. It smell like Heaven and a hint of his cologne, the cologne she loved so much. She looked back at the rose, thinking about the man that sent her the rose.

"Happy birthday," he said, taking off her blindfold. Momo looked to see a romantic dinner for two with roses, candles, and the smell of delicious food. "Oh wow, it's looks amazing."

"I know that you wanted to go out for your birthday, but someone had to hurt herself two days ago," he teased her. Momo was in a wheelchair for a injury ankle. He pushed her to the table and made sure she was comfortable. He went to the kitchen and brought out two plates for them to eat. Momo looked at the food and gasped.

"Oh it's looks so delicious!" She exclaimed, staring down at the food. "Who made it?"

"I did!" Momo gave him a look, as he sighed. "Okay I did have a little help from my friends." She gave him another look. "Fine a lot of help, but I did do work." Momo just giggled at him, as he was pouting.

"Thank you, babe. This is amazing." He gave her a smile, as he gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Come now, sit down and let's enjoy this." He says across from her, as they ate and spoke about their day. He clean up and brought her a peach shape cake to the table. He lit the candles and he sang her happy birthday. Momo smiled at him, while he sang. She blew out the candles, once she made her wish. They had some cake and he clean up once again. Momo was about to roll herself to the living room, as he stopped her. He gently pick her up from the chair and carried her to the living room. He put her down on the couch and sat down next to her. He pulled out a bag that was next to the couch and hand it to her.

"Happy birthday," he told her again. Momo opened a bag and pulled out a case. She opened the case and it was a beautiful silver bracelet with their birthstones on them.

"Oh my it's beautiful," she replied, taking the bracelet out for a better look at it. "This..."

"No it didn't cost a lot believe me," he answered her, taking the bracelet and putting it on her wrist. He held her hand to look at it. "Fits you just right. Now you have something of me when it's time for me to go." Momo nodded, as she hugged him.

"Let's not talk about that just yet," she said. "I just want to spend our time together until that comes." He held her close and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"Momo, we got to go," called Jihyo, as Momo snapped out of her memory.  Momo took one more look and sniff of the rose, before setting it down. She got off her chair and followed her members to finish out the concert.
During the last song, screams were heard in the crowd. The members kept performing, as they think they were cheering for them. Then, they notice the crowd parting for something or someone. The members slow down to see it was indeed someone coming towards them. Sana was the first to see who the person was, as she clapped for joy. She hurried over to Momo and grabbed her arm. She pulled her towards the stage so she can get a better look who it was. Soon all the members knew who was coming, as Momo look at the crowd. She didn't recognize the person right away, as she took a closer look. Her eyes widen and her mouth dropped at the sight. Walking towards the stage with the crowd making sure the path was clear, was an uniformed Baekhyun, holding a bouquet of pink roses in arms. He took his hat off when he got closer to them. Momo was frozen in shock to see her boyfriend of three years in the flesh. It has been a while they saw each other in person, due to her schedule. They do chat and FaceTime with each other but still this was a shock for her.

Baekhyun made it on stage, as the girls moved back to give the couple some space. Momo still didn't move from her spot, as Baekhyun walked up to her. Her eyes were on him, but she couldn't speak.

"Surprise, princess. I told you I will see you soon," he replied, as he gave her a smile. "I'm done with my services." The mic in Momo's hand dropped to the ground, as she stood there still. "Princess, you all right?" Momo finally did something that shock everyone in the arena. Momo slowly fell backwards, as Baekhyun notice she was going. He toss the bouquet aside and ran to catch her before she hit the ground. "Momo?" He called to her, trying to get her to stand, but she was dead weight. They both went to the ground, as Baekhyun checked Momo. Sana and Chaeyoung moved to their side to check on their friend. "Momo can you hear me?"

"She fainted," Chaeyoung told him. "You must have surprised her that she fainted." Baekhyun sighed in relief that she wasn't hurt or anything. Momo slowly move in his arms and slowly open her eyes.

"Baekhyun..." she mumbled at him. "What happened?"

"You fainted. I know that I'm so handsome and all but still you gave me a fright seeing you like that," he told her, stroking her cheek.

"You're here..." she said, as he nodded at her. Tears were coming down, as she sat up and threw her arms around his neck. She cried into his neck, as he held her close. He just had a smile on his face, knowing everything is fine.

"Next time tell us you are going to pull something like this," Sana told him, as the other members were telling the crowd Momo is fine.

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