Scientist *H.MM x M.YG* Part 2

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"Chae! I got you girls lunch!" Mark called out, coming into the lab. Both girls were startled by his voice, as Momo squeeze the eye drop too hard into the beaker. It cause a small eruption blasting out the liquid onto Chaeyoung and Momo. "Is this a bad time?"

"No, come in," Momo said, as she grabbed a towel for her and Chaeyoung. "Sorry we were so focus on finding a cure."

"A cure for what?"

"The curse love potion we made," Chaeyoung said, wiping herself clean and taking off her lab coat and goggles.

"Why would you do that? Both of you have been working so hard to perfected it. Believe me, my skin turned pink and blue because of it."

"Well it would be fine to work on someone other than Min Yoongi," Momo stated, taking her lab coat and goggles off. "Of all people, it had to be him who got soak in our potions." Mark was going to speak and ask who he fell for. He would fight the dude for his fair Chaeyoung, but Momo continues. "It was supposed to be for Choi Minho, but now I have my worst enemy in love with me."

"Why don't you tell him that you have a boyfriend or something? We can get you a fake boyfriend."

"He isn't going to believe that. He is smart, Mark. He knows that Momo is single and has a lot of admirers," Chaeyoung told him.

"I do not!" Chaeyoung and Mark gave her a look.

"Must we give you the list," Chaeyoung said.

"Even I know half your admirers and they are my friends. Jaemin, Haechan, Chenle, Jaehyun, Doyoung, Yuta, Felix, Hyunjin, Eunwoo, Hoshi, Wonwoo, Mingyu, Minghao, Dino...need I go on." Momo's cheeks turned red, as he was right.

"Is Choi Minho is on that list?"
"There you are, Princess," Momo heard Yoongi's voice from behind her. Momo sighed and slowly turned around to see him standing there with a bouquet of roses in his hands. "These beautiful roses are for the most beautiful girl in the world, you." He hand her the roses, as Momo was speechless. "Now about dinner. I know a good restaurant in town. How about tomorrow night at 7 pm?"

"You aren't going to give it up are you?" Momo mumbled to herself, as she was thinking what to do.

"Hey Momo, I was wondering if you want to..." spoke DK, walking over to them. Yoongi growled and grabbed DK by the collar. DK let out a yelp, as Yoongi spoke.

"Run along, us grown up are talking."

"But you..." Yoongi gave him a death look, as DK yelped. "Now I know where Woozi learned it from." Yoongi let him go, as DK spoke to Momo. "I will text you my question about the science homework then." He left, as Momo gave him a look.

"Now that was mean of you."

"I'm sorry, but I didn't want him to ask you out when I have and plus you haven't gave me an answer," he whined, looking like a puppy that got kicked. Momo tried to look away, but couldn't.

"Fine...I will go on a date with you..." Yoongi had a big smile on his face, ready to hug her. Momo held the roses in front of her to block it. "But it has to be Saturday night! I have a late shift at the lab tomorrow that I can't reschedule. It's 50% of my grade."

"Okay it's a date." He held out his phone to her, as she looked confused. "Uh...I need your number so I can text you the details." Momo gave him her phone number, as he did hug her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "This must be one of the happiest day of my life." He walk away, shouting that he had a date with Momo to everyone. Momo squat to the ground, shielding herself with the roses, embarrassed.

"I got to make the antidote and fast."
Momo was working late in the lab, trying to figure how to make the antidote. Chaeyoung already left to the dorm, but Momo was determined to make it.

"Maybe doing all the ingredients backwards? That should be the ticket," she said to herself. She put less than more of different chemicals in the beaker in hopes this will work. So far, nothing explode on her, as the potion look perfect. " I just got to get him to either drink it or splash it on him. I only had enough to make one..." she held up the beaker, looking at the potion with a smile on her face. "This has to be it." Momo was about to set the beaker down, when the lab door suddenly slammed open. Momo screamed and jumped, as she lost her grip to the beaker and it smash to the floor with the antidote. She looked at the door to see Yoongi standing there with an umbrella in hand. Momo stared down at the smashed beaker and let out a cry.

"What are you doing here!" Momo exclaimed to him, as she hurry to get a broom to sweep up the mess.

"It's raining and I know you were working late," he began, walking over to her.

"Stay right there!" She told him, as she was sweeping up the glass. "I appreciate it, really...but my's gone. I don't have enough materials to make another one." She got the glass into the pan and threw it in the bin. She got the towel and started to clean the floor. Yoongi went over to her and tried to help her. "Now I have to wait for the potion to wear off..."

"The potion you splash on me?" Momo nodded, as Yoongi just laughed at her. "The potion didn't do anything to me other than a stain." Momo stopped what she was doing, as she looked at him. "Your potion didn't work."

"You mean...the love potion didn't work?" Momo dropped the towel and stood up. "You mean, you were faking it the whole time. are so cruel." Yoongi looked at her in shock, as Momo had tears coming down her face. Her goggles her hiding them though. "This is low, even for your standard." Momo removed her goggles, gloves, and lab coat quickly. "How dare you play with my emotions and to think I was going to give you a chance." Yoongi stood up, as Momo hurry to get her bag.

"Momo, wait let me explain..." he said, trying to stop her. Momo just gave him a glare.

"No, forget about tomorrow night, forget about keeping in contact with me. In fact, just forget me period." Momo tried to leave again, but Yoongi grabbed her making her stay.

"I can't because I like you. I always like you and always will! I thought with that potion, you would see that I like you!" Momo just look at him, trying not to break down.

"How can I trust you?" Yoongi didn't say a word, as he leaned over and kiss her. Momo was stunned, as she slowly return the kiss, not thinking about what just happen. They kissed for a few moments, before they broke away and stared at each other.

"You believe me now? I don't kiss anyone unless I have feelings for them and you I do have feelings, hard feelings that I been hiding for years. I'm sorry that I was a fool in doing this, but I just want you to see that I like you, I really like you." Yoongi didn't let her answer, as he claimed her lips with his.

Perfect Two *H.MM x AnyMaleIdol* Book 2Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat