You Are Everything *H.MM x L.CH*

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Girl I apologize for all your tears. When you cried, sorry for what I've done. I wanna be your only one - Dru Hill - You Are Everything

"It's all right..." Ten whispered to Momo, holding her close to his body. Momo had tears running down her cheeks, burying her face in his chest. Ten kissed her on the head, rocking her back and forth. "Just don't listen to them, baby." Ten moved his hand and took her phone out of her hand. The screen shown comments about her performance and how she messed up with her singing ability. He swiped the comments off the screen and set the phone on the table.

"They hate me...they really hate me," she mumbled, clutching Ten's shirt. "I have work so hard on my vocals. I was just excited we won." Ten rubbed her back, as she let out a little cry.

"Baby, please, my heart breaks to see you like this. You are the most amazing girl," Ten spoke to her, kissing her head again.

After the encore stage she did, many, many, many people were talking about how her voice crack when she was singing live and they ate her up and spit her out with all the hateful comments. The group tried to get her to stop reading the comments, but she couldn't. She just seen how people were stating she should shut up and just dance. Others were saying she was a pity vote to get in the group. There were worse comments that she did not want to remember. Ten had dinner ready for her when she return from the show. He did not expect Momo crying so hard, with Tzuyu and Sana by her side, holding her up at the door. Dinner will have to wait, as Sana filled him in on what happen as Tzuyu got Momo to the couch. So the last hour, he has been holding her, comforting her, and trying not to on live and blast everyone for hurting his girlfriend.

"Maybe I..."

"Don't you dare finish that line, Momo. You are far too great to go down to their level," Ten said, making her look at him. "We all get excited all right. You are allowed to have a mistake."

"Yet I shouldn't. Everyone has always criticized my singing."

"Well I would love to see those people do our job so easily and see how they take criticism. Baby, you did great. I'm proud of you all the time."

"You are saying that because you are my boyfriend."

"No, I know it is true. You are my everything. My beautiful princess who can't do any wrong. You always give 110% in everything, no 120%. You are there for me when I'm down, hurt...or ready to choke Lucas when I gets on my nerves, but still the point is that you don't let me know, so I'm not letting you down ever. You are stuck with me forever and I mean forever." He gave her a kiss on each of her cheek, able to taste the salt of her tears.

"Thank you, Ten. You are my everything as well," she said, resting her head on his chest. "I love you so much. Thanks for making me feel better."

Ten was in his bedroom with V-Live on, as he was staring at the camera with a serious look on his face.

"I need to have a talk with everyone on what happen today," he began. "I know most people knows what I'm talking about, as I have seen threads of comments since this evening. What people wrote broke my heart." He took a deep breath and continued.

"It broke my heart because you did not have to witness how bad your words affect my love. You didn't have to see tears streaming down her cheeks. You didn't have to see her weeping that she believes she is a failure. You didn't have to heard some heartbreaking words," Ten went on. "People are allowed to have fun, make mistakes, even us idols. That makes sure unique, special, even humans. What I read was simply unacceptable, judgmental and cruel. How people were judging her made me sick to my stomach. My heart was breaking each time a tear come out of her eyes. I understand it is all right to poke at us for fun because we can handle it as we are human, but this is crossing the line far too deep." Ten sighed and pause for a few moments.

"I'm asking to the fans, the non fans, the critics to remember we are humans and words does hurt. We aren't superheroes, we are human. You need to remember how we work hard to entertain you guys. I'm really disappointed how people would treat others. Please be considerate with your words on others. Again nobody is perfect, but I will tell you this is a hill I will die on if this continue. Nobody ever deserve hate remember that. All I do ask is an apology for her. She at least deserve that. I will continue to love her as she is my everything in my eyes and no comments will ever change that. Good night everyone and I hope this will be the last time I have to address this issue." Ten turned off the V-Live and look over at his sleeping girlfriend in his bed. He made sure everything is off and crawled into bed and held her close to him. He gave her a kiss on the head before falling into a peaceful sleep.

"You didn't," Momo said to Ten, as he gave her a bouquet of sunflowers and daisies. Ten just gave her a smile and a shrug. "Ten, you didn't have to...I mean..."

"I'm not sorry for what I done and plus you just saw my videos." Her eyes widen, as he took her hand and they sat down on the couch. Momo set the bouquet on the table, as Ten got the laptop and open up a site. She looked over to see there were a few videos on there. He open the first one to see Chaeyoung and Sana talking about how hurtful the comments towards Momo was not affected her but her sisters, the group. Chaeyoung did break down on how people are mean to her older sister as Momo is nothing but sweet towards anyone. Another video was Nayeon and Jihyo talking about the incident as the oldest and leader of the group and how they were so mad and disappointed in people. Next, it was Taeyong, Mark, and Jaehyun speaking on behalf of NCT about everything and how they are supporting Momo and Ten. Taeyong stated that Momo is family to them, as Ten is madly in love with her, which earn a blush from Ten. Other idol groups video appear from Seventeen to BTS, even Blackpink discussing about the mistreatment and hateful comment against Momo and defending her.

"Everyone loves you because we can all relate," Ten said, setting down the laptop and letting Momo crawl into his lap and held her. "Fans of all fandom are standing up as well in front of the haters. Remember, you don't have to impress anyone but yourself." Momo nodded at him, as they held each other.

"You are the best in the world, Ten. I love you so much."

"I love you too, baby. Now let's get dressed up. You didn't eat dinner last night and I want to treat you for breakfast."

Perfect Two *H.MM x AnyMaleIdol* Book 2Where stories live. Discover now