When Your Eyes Say It *H.MM x J.JH*

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I love to hear you say that you love me. With words so sweet. And I love the way with just one whisper. You tell me everything - Britney Spears - When Your Eyes Say It

"Hey what's wrong?" Momo softly asked Jaehyun, as he came home from practice. He toss his bag to the side and took off his shoes. She could tell the way he came in the home something happen and it wasn't good. She been with him for a long time and they can tell their mood. Momo was in the living room, reading a book. Jaehyun walked into the living room and sat down. Momo set the book to the side, looking over to her boyfriend. "Jae..." she didn't get to finish, as he pulled her into a hug and he just held her close.

"Just let me hold you," he mumbled against her neck. Momo just let him hold her, as she stroke his hair to comfort him. They didn't say anything to each other for a few minutes, just stay in silent. Momo knew that Jaehyun will talk when he is ready.

"They cancelled the drama," he said, before moving from Momo to look at her.

"What? Didn't they just call you to give you the part?" Jaehyun took her hand and just held it.

"Because it's a boy love and you know it's well a pain," he said, rubbing his thumb on her palm. "It seems like I will never get to act if they keep delaying or cancelling." Jaehyun sighed, as he felt frustrated. "All that work on the first drama and it has been delayed. I had to diet to fit the part. I gave up sweets and your delicious cooking for salads. I work my butt off working out all the time. Reading the script throughout the day and night. I didn't sleep well because of mistakes I would make on set. My members would stay up with me to practice. I feel like a failure."

"Hey," Momo spoke, "Look at me, Jaehyun." He slowly moved his eyes to look into hers. "I know you are frustrated but here me out okay?" Momo scoot a bit closer to him. "First off, it does stink that everything is getting cancelled or delayed. We don't have control about it. I understand it is terrible, but you aren't a failure." She pulled his hand and placed it on her cheek and she nuzzled it. "I have seen how hard you work. I have made sure you get the proper food in that fit body. I stay by your side when you are so weak and in pain from working too hard. I make sure you get plenty of rest when you are here with me so you don't collapse on set. I read the scripts so I can familiarize myself in what you must act and speak, while you are sleeping next to me due to a bad day on set. When you are away, some of your members would come over so I can practice the scripts to help them prepare when you ask for help." Jaehyun gave her a simple look. "And no, we didn't do the kissing scene, though I did catch Haechan spraying some mint in his mouth."

"Remind me to pound him later." Momo just gave him a smile and nod.

"What I'm trying to say that you aren't a failure in my eyes and your members. You are truly amazing, wonderful, dedicated, hard working, quite sexy and handsome..."

"I doubt my members would call me sexy," he teased her, giving her a little smile, as his ears were turning red in embarrassment.

"Well handsome they would say, but to me sexy and overall..." Momo stared into his eyes and gave him a smile. "You are just perfect to me. I know deep in my heart everything is going to turn out in your favor. I can see it now, you starting as the main character in a drama, where everyone will watch and cheer for your debut and success. You will get praises from everyone and I will be there, waiting for you no matter what happens." Jaehyun's heart felt so light and beating fast from her encouraging words.

"How I love you so much," he said, finally giving her a real smile. He moved his hand away from her cheek and he gave her own hand a kiss. "What will I do without you?" He pulled her closer to him and he kissed her forehead. "You always know how to make me feel better."

"Then I'm doing my job well. As your girlfriend, I want you to be happy always." She rest her head on his chest and smile.

"That you do and I know that I have to keep my girl happy as well. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I can't make my girl happy." They just snuggled on the couch for a few minutes, enjoying each other's company.
A few months later, Momo and Jaehyun were sitting on their couch. Momo was snuggling against Jaehyun, as he had the remote in his hand. He turned on the TV and went to a certain channel. He set the remote down and threw a blanket over them to get cozy. A few minutes later, a show started to play.

"Oh, there you are," Momo pointed out to Jaehyun, as his character came on the screen for the beginning credits. "Hmm I have to say that you look good right there."

"You mean I don't look good right now," he teased her, as Momo slapped his arm lightly.

"Oh you know what I mean," she said. He just let out a chuckle, as they watch the first episode of his new drama. He got a call to do another drama. Jaehyun was scared at first, but Momo believe in him that everything will be fine. He accepted and Momo was with him at all times. She went on set, made sure he gets plenty of rest, kicked his members' butts if they try to bother Jaehyun. So far Johnny and Yuta were the victims of Momo's debut shin kicker move, left a nice bruise on their shins. Jaehyun was so proud to have Momo there supporting him for the good and the bad.

After the show was over, Momo sat up and look at him with a smile. "Congratulations my superstar. I know you would make it." Jaehyun placed his hands and her cheeks and gave her a huge smile. He really couldn't done this again without her. He knew she is the one that will be by his side forever. He had talked with Taeyong and Doyoung about taking the next step. They told him to follow his heart and do what will make him happy. He is going next week to find the perfect ring with her members...have mercy on his soul for that.

"I have to thank the world's best fan and supporter. I love you."

"I love you too."

Perfect Two *H.MM x AnyMaleIdol* Book 2Where stories live. Discover now