When You're Gone *H.MM C.HS* Final Part

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"Hello my peach blossom," Momo heard a voice next to her, as she opened her eyes to see someone next to her. She just smiled and snuggled against the person. She felt a kiss on her head and sighed.

"Noni?" She replied, hearing a hmm next to her. "When will I get to see your face?" He chuckled at her, rubbing her arm with his hand.

"You get to see my face all the time now. Soon everything will be clear my love. Just trust me."

"I do Noni." Momo turned her eyes to his face, as it was still blurry to her. "I really want to see you again."
"Where is Vernon? We have a meeting to attend." Seungcheol said to Jeonghan, looking in Vernon's office to find their leader.

"That's a given where he is," Jeonghan replied to him, taking his arm and pulling him out of the office. "Nobody really come to his office because he has made his office and bedroom in her room." They walked to Momo's room and Jeonghan opened the door.

Vernon was sitting on the side of the bed with a bowl of oatmeal in his hand and feeding Momo. She was off of oxygen after three weeks battling pneumonia. Vernon never left her side during that time, scared something might happened to her. She still have the IV in her for extra fluids. She was slowly looking better and gain a bit of weight. She can made a little noise here and there. She still shake in fear at times, but not around Jun and Vernon anymore. She might be getting stronger, but still doesn't seem to recognize anyone. "There he is." Vernon looked up from feeding Momo with a look.

"We have that meeting to attend in a hour," Seungcheol reminded him. Vernon sighed, as he knew that he was going to get out of it. "We have to get going." Vernon set the bowl on the end table and leaned over to Momo. She looked up at him with a blank stare, as he gave her a smile.

"I will be back soon all right? Jun and Jeonghan will watch you all right?" Momo slowly gave him a nod. Vernon placed a kiss on her forehead and cheeks. "I love you, my peach blossom." Vernon moved away from her and turned to Jeonghan. "You better..."

"Relax, we have Dino and DK on guard. Nobody would dare to attack us since the fire wave you did to save her," Jeonghan told him, waving him away. "Joshua should be here to begin treatment for her tongue today."

"Great, we will be back soon." Vernon turned to look at Momo one last time before he left the room with Seungcheol.
"Open up for me," Joshua spoke softly to Momo, as she slowly her mouth to him. Joshua gently took a hold of her burnt tongue and look at it. "I'm going to try this medication on your tongue. It might be bitter but it will heal all those scars and then it should help you speak again." Joshua put the medication on her tongue, watching Momo making faces on how bitter it is. "Im sorry it doesn't taste good but this is the best medication we can find for your condition." Once that was done, Joshua moved off the side of the bed. "Now you are building up your strength, I want to test your ability to walk. Jeonghan, please assist me." Jeonghan came around, as they slowly moved Momo to the edge of the bed. They got her to place her feet down on the floor and slowly help her up to her feet. They held her up, as she was shaking a lot. "We are going to let you go." Joshua counted to three, as Joshua and Jeonghan let her go. She stood for just a second before collapsing to the ground. Jeonghan got her back up and sat her down on the bed.

"Physical therapy is a must." Jeonghan looked at her knees to see many scars on faded bruises on them. "It must have crawl around to move." Momo just stared down at her hands. "It's all right, we will all help you, especially Noni." Her head snapped up at the name, looking around the room. Joshua and Jeonghan took notice at her reaction. "Noni isn't here right now but he will be soon. Now let's get you clean up. Mingyu is making his famous beef stew you loved."
Over the next few months, Vernon and his crew nursed Momo back to health. She was still struggling to talk and walk, but the majority of her injuries were healing. She put on weight thanks to Mingyu's cooking, her rib bones were hidden once again. She was off the IV, doing speech and physical therapy to help her. Still every night, Vernon will sleep with her by her side, as she still have some nightmares about the abuse she had the last two years. He would hold her, showered her with kisses, letting her know she isn't alone.

"Noni?" Momo called to him in her dreams, running around looking for him. "Noni!" She called out to him, searching for him. "You promised! Where are you!" Momo kept running, until she could see a figure far away from her. "Noni!" She ran over to him, hoping to catch him.

Vernon woke up to movement next to him. He turned to see Momo, in her sleep, clutching his shirt, making a face. He pressed her head to his chest, letting her listened to his heartbeat. Usually it calms her down, but she was still making faces. She was struggling to either wake up or go back asleep. She opened her mouth a few times before she was able to say something clear that he couldn't believe at first.

"Noni..." Vernon nearly shot up from bed, but control himself. He looked down at his peach blossom, mumbling his name over and over.

"Baby, love, Noni is here," he spoke softly to her, trying to wake her up.

Momo stopped in her tracks to hear someone talking to her. She looked around where the voice was coming from.


"Momo, I'm here," Vernon whispered to her.

The figure move close to her, as she stood there. The figure was starting to come clearer for her. "Noni?" Momo stood there, as Noni aka Vernon appeared in front of her.

"I told you sooner or later, you would find me again." He took her hand and pulled her close. "I have been with you all this time." Momo smiled at him and held him close to her.


Momo opened her eyes to see Vernon staring down at her with a smile on his face. He had his hand on her cheek, as Momo glance up at him. Vernon could see something in her eyes, the same shine in her eyes when she shows love.

"Noni..." she spoke, burying her face in his chest. He hear swell so much, hearing his name out of her mouth. He held her close, enjoying the moment. He knew everything is okay now.

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