Dear Future Husband *H.MM x N.JM*

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I'll be sleeping on the left side of the bed. Open doors for me and you might get some kisses - Meghan Trainor - Dear Future Husband

Jaemin yawned resting his head on Momo's lap to relax. They were having a picnic at the park for some rest and to get away from their members, mainly his.

"So nice, just the two of us," he said, looking up at her. Momo nodded, stroking his hair. "I wish we can do this every day."

"If only we could, but we always have a busy schedule," she replied, "We will always make for us no matter what." Jaemin nodded and closed his eyes. Momo smiled at her boyfriend, playing with his hair. They been together for over a year now and it has been amazing.

"When we are retired from the industry, we can. We will have a beautiful home with a big backyard so we can have our picnics there. Also with our dogs and children running around," he said, closing his eyes, dreaming of a wonderful future with Momo.

"Go on..."

"Of course, my love. I already have my proposal for you in mind, but that is a secret." Momo rolled her eyes, as he chuckled, "but I can at least tell you, it will take your breath away."

"I bet." Momo leaned down and kissed his forehead. "You are just too cute babe." He open his eyes and smiled at her. "Well dear future husband, let's enjoy our time together before..." his phone went off, as he pulled it out to see it was Taeyong calling him.

"No..." he mumbled, not wanting to answer the phone. He  looked at the time to see he only had 30 minutes left with Momo. "No! I don't want this to end." He declined the call knowing he will get a lecture later by him. He sat up and turned to his girlfriend. "Come with me." He stood up, as she gather up the basket and blanket. Jaemin took her hand, as Momo look at him worry.

"Jaemin?" Momo said to him, "It's all right if you have to go. I really enjoy my time with you."

"But I don't want this to be over. We haven't seen each other in weeks and it will be another few weeks before we see each other again. Let's tonight be ours." Momo placed a hand on his cheek and pulled him into a kiss. He return the kiss, as his phone went off again. He broke the kiss and smiled down at her. "You in?"

"Anything for you, babe." They pulled out their phone and turned it off so nobody can reach them. "Let's go." Jaemin smiled, as the couple took off to have their own adventure for the night.
"Why isn't he picking up!" Taeyong said, trying to call him for the 50th time. "He is late for curfew!"

"Babe, relax," said Johnny, trying to calm his boyfriend down. "Jaemin is a good kid and plus he hasn't seen Momo in so long. Let him have some extra time. We are going to be busy again after tonight."

"I know but..." his phone was ringing, as he saw it is a text from Jihyo.

Momo's phone is off as well as her boyfriend. If Momo isn't home in the next hour, I'm sending out the kids to get her and rip that boyfriend of hers in half!

"You better get the usual round up to find them and save Jaemin," said Taeyong, replying to Hihyo.

"But babe, this is our time know..." Taeyong looked at his boyfriend with fire in his eyes.

"No Jaemin! No Boom Boom! Go!"

"I'm going to kill that kid myself for ruining my night."
"Jaemin..." Momo giggled at him, as they were kissing under the street light. "What do you have plan?"

"I was thinking a nice walk along the river and..." he pulled out a hotel room card, as Momo blushed. "Since we will be busy soon."

"Na Jaemin, you are such a naughty boy," Momo teased him, as she pulled him in for a kiss. "Maybe we can..." she stop speaking, as she heard voices she knew from a distance. "She send them out."

"Who? What?"

"Jihyo send out the boys to come and get me. I can heard Felix a mile away," she said. "I mean who has a voice like his." Jaemin nodded in agreement. "Let's just go straight to that hotel..." Jaemin took her hand and they were about to take off, but they were spotted.

"Found them!" Felix called out, pointing to the couple. They turned to see Stray Kids there. Chan was holding some leashes, as Felix, Han, Hyunjin, Lee Know and Jeongin were strapped up. Changbin and Seungmin just shook their head. "Let me at him! I will get him for taking Momo away!" Chan pulled on the leashes to get them to chill.

"Leashes?" Jaemin asked looking confused.

"Mate, you don't know how fast and vicious these boys are when it involved Momo," Chan said, keeping a grin on them, as the boys were trying to break free but Jeongin.

"Momo-noona! It's time to go home!" Jeongin called out with his cute smile and big eyes.

"Okay Jeongin is the exception," Chan said. "But look at his killer ageyo." Momo had to turn away so she didn't fall for it. "Now, Momo, it's time to go home. Jihyo is mad that you are late and you have a busy day tomorrow."

"And you too Jaemin, you are ruining my time with Yongie!" Johnny complained, walking up with Chenle in his arms. Jaehyun had Ten and Yuta in his arms, while Taeil had Jisung and Jeno. Johnny looked to see Stray Kids were there. "I told Yongie leashes wasn't bad. Look at Chan holding his members back."

"We will tell Taeyong-hyung later. Now Jaemin, you have two choices: come home with us peaceful or I send out them to go after you," said Jaehyun, ready to released the members. Jaemin didn't like neither of the choices, as he picked up Momo bridal style. Momo let out a little squeal but held onto him tight.

"Catch us if you can." Jaemin took off running from everyone, as Chan was getting ready to released his members. Johnny told him to hold off for a minute.

"Give him at least a chance to run. That boy is so lazy, he isn't going to make it far." Chenle notice something on the ground and he pick it up. It was a hotel room key.

"Hyung, Jaemin dropped this." Johnny took the card and looked at it. His eyes widen and he felt the wind being knock out of him.

"Hotel 2 Heaven Jongno?!" Chan's eyes widen as well, while Jaehyun and Taeil knew what that was.

"The hell..." Jaemin and Momo came back, as Momo grabbed the card from Johnny. She just smile, but blushing, while Jaemin took off running.

"What is Hotel 2 Hea..." asked Hyunjin, as Johnny looked at Chan.

"Release them! We have to stop them!!! Jihyo and Taeyong will murder us if they found out they are heading to a love motel!" Chan nodded and let go of the leashes.

"What is a love motel?" Felix asked, as Jaehyun and Taeil gave motions of sexy time to them.

"Oh hell no! We shall save you Momo!" Yuta said, ripping out of Jaehyun's arm.

"What about Jaemin?" Jeno asked.

"It's too late to help him with his innocence," said Han. "Momo is still is and plus I bet that boy doesn't know what protection is. We are not having our Momo get pregnant by that boy!"
Johyo and Taeyong looked up from their phones and had a thought.
"Why do I get the feeling something is not right?"
Jaemin: what? No this is not over!
Moving on....-spin the group wheel-
Momo: please be SHINee...
Astro! You're next!
Eunwoo: yes my love is coming to us. -look at all his member with death in his eyes- you screw up anything that will make her feel bad, I will end each and everyone one of you.
Rest of Astro: -shaking in fear- yes, sir!

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See ya next time
Bye sweetie sweetie

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