Dear Santa *H.MM x L.JN*

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I got a wish list for you to hear. It hasn't been my kind of year - Girls' Generation - TTS - Dear Santa

"Merry Christmas, my son and family!" Donghae greeted his only son, Jeno, his wife, Momo, and their baby son, Eunwoo. "Come in, come in, it's too cold for the wife and baby to be outside." Donghae got the little family in, as he took his grandson in his arms. He was so happy to see his grandson, as Jeno set down the gifts he brought for his father. He help Momo out of her coat, as Donghae gave Eunwoo a kiss on the cheek. "Hello, my handsome grandson, you are getting so big."

"He is six months today," Momo told her father-in-law, as Jeno put their coats away. "He looks so much like Jeno as a baby."

"He does, just like his father. Reminds me when I first held Jeno. Come, you had a long trip. Rest up in the living room."

"Appa, we only live like 20 minutes from you," Jeno pointed out, as they walked into the living room. "Appa!" Jeno looked at the Christmas tree and saw tons and tons of gifts under the tree. "I told you not to go crazy on the shopping."

"Oh son, I was holding back. Most of these are from your uncles. They wanted to make sure Eunwoo has a good first Christmas." Donghae sat in front of the tree, letting Eunwoo look at all the lights, as Jeno sighed. Momo took Jeno's hand and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Babe, it's all right. Let your father be excited. This is his first grandchild and he wants it to be special." They watched to see Donghae holding an ornament in front of Eunwoo, as the baby was staring at himself eyes wide.

"I know, but Appa needs to rest more," Jeno told Momo, bringing her to a hug. "Appa is still recovering from his treatments and I don't want him to push himself."

"He has his husband to care for him as well and his friends. We are here to help him too. Your father has everyone helping him." Momo turned over to Donghae and Eunwoo. "I'm going to start cooking for dinner."

"Do you need some help?" He asked her.

"Oh no, you Lee men aren't the best cooks. Need I remind you the turkey last year."

"For the last time, it was Eunhyuk's fault for adding too much heat," reminded Donghae. "I never seen a turkey that black before."

"I gave it flavor!" Eunhyuk countered, coming in the home with bags. "The thanks I get for making something special." He took off his shoes and set the bags down. "Momo, everything you ask is in the bags. I would assist you in helping but my sweet grandson needs me more!" Momo just giggled, as Eunhyuk took his coat off and hurry over to his grandson. "There is my big strong grandson." Momo gave Jeno a kiss and a smile.

"I will keep them entertained for now," Jeno said, as he gave her one last kiss before she vanished into the kitchen. Jeno went to sit down with his fathers and son.

"How are you feeling, Appa?" Donghae looked up at Jeno and smiled.

"I'm doing great. I'm walking more like the doctor said. I'm even more happy with you and your family here." Donghae gave Eunwoo's hair a little toss. "I'm happy to be here to see everyone grow up, and yes that includes your daddy."

"You aren't going to get rid of me that easily, hun," Eunhyuk said, taking Eunwoo to have him sit on his lap. "Hope you get my personality, Eunwoo. Your Appa got his from that man right there. If not, have your mother personality."

"He has more of Momo's personality each day, yet he had my looks."

"Got that from me," Donghae said, slowly standing up from the floor. Jeno hurried to his feet to help him up. "Jeno, I might be old but I'm not that old." Jeno still help him to the couch.

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