How We Do *H.MM x L.DH*

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We got that sweet hot lovin'. Dancing in the dark - Rita Ora - How We Do

"Donghyuck!" Momo squealed in joy, as Haechan had his arms wrapped around her waist and picking her up to head to the ocean. She screamed, trying to escape, as he let her down so her feet can touch the water. Momo wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a kiss. Haechan surprise Momo with a date at the beach. He managed to get away from everyone, especially his hyungs to take Momo on a date. He didn't tell them anything where he was going, just out with the Dreamies somewhere.

A wave hit them, as they both laughed at each other. Haechan took her hand and guide her to their things. He set up a beach picnic for them, as they got under the umbrella and relax. Momo snuggled with him, as they watched the waves together.

"This is just perfect," she said, as Haechan chuckled. "This is what we need. Just you and me, away from the city, and from our members. I love them to death and all, but there are times I just want some alone time with my boyfriend."

"Agree," he agreed to her. "Your members aren't bad like mine. Taeyong-Hyung mother me too much, Johnny-Hyung believes he is my father, and the others ugh...I'm the baby they loves to pick on and spoiled. I want to show them that I can take good care of myself and my lady as well." He rest his forehead against Momo's and smiled. "They are still in shock that I have a girlfriend, let alone a beautiful one."

"Oh stop, you are embarrassing me."

"But it's true. You are so beautiful and I'm so lucky to have you. I would fight all the boys to get you, including my members." Momo gave him a kiss on the nose, as his cell phone went off. "I'm scared to answer." Momo looked over to see it was Johnny calling him. "No I don't want them to ruined our day."

"Do you want me to answer?" Haechan nodded, as he went behind Momo and wrapped his arms around her waist. "He likes you and he will never be mad at you." He rested his chin on her chin, as Momo grabbed his phone, but Johnny hung up. Haechan slowly kissed Momo's neck, as his phone went off but this time it was Taeyong. Momo answered the call. "Hello?"

"Hello Momo dear," Taeyong said, "Where is that bratty son of mine?" Haechan was too busy kissing her neck, as Momo decided to answer to him.

"Oh Donghyuck went to get some dessert for us. He must have left his phone here." Haechan's hands was on her stomach, as she nudged him to settle down.

"That boy I swear. He told me that he was going to hang out with the Dreamies today. He doesn't have to hide the fact he is with you."

"He thinks that you guys will embarrass him or something."

"I would never embarrass our full sun. The rest yeah but I would never," he said, "I am just so happy he is dating and it is someone like you. I never thought to see the day Haechan will have a girlfriend." Haechan could heard Taeyong, as he rolled his eyes and snuggled closer to Momo. "He was a little boy when I met him, but he is becoming a man. I don't want my little Haechan to grow up." Taeyong started to cry, as Momo looked over at Haechan. He just shrugged at her, as she spoke.

"Taeyong, he is always going to be your baby," he said, as Haechan gave her a look. "But let me tell you that you raise your baby well. He is really good to me and plus he is the most sweetest, carting, understanding boyfriend I ever had. He never gives up on me and he treats me well." Haechan snuck a kiss from Momo, as he didn't want Taeyong know he was there listening.

"You really think so," he said. "There are times I don't think he likes me."

"Oh he does love you so much. You are a great parent to him."

"Well when Haechan gets back, tell him to have fun on your date. Also have him call Johnny. He wants some words with him."

"He left his side of the room a mess!" Johnny yelled in the background, "Plus he took my box of condoms!!! They aren't even his size!"

"How would you know that!" Haechan yelled, as Momo shook her head. "Oh my gosh, you are a pervert! Taeyong-hyung, your boyfriend is a..."

"I'm going to murder you when you get home tonight!"

"I'm not going home! I'm staying with Momo! See you in the morning!"

"Dong..." Haechan hung up and held Momo close to him.

"Stupid hyungs...." Momo just patted his hands, as he rest his chin on her shoulder again. "They are going to ruined our fun."

"Baby, they are just worried about you. You were young when they met you. They are proud of you growing up to a handsome, well-manner man. The man that I love." Haechan smiled, as he hugged her tight.

"And I love you too. I'm happy to have you in my life."

"And to think it was a lipstick that got us together." Haechan sighed and let her go. He fell back on the towel, as Momo giggled at him. "Oh baby, it was so cute you giving me that."

"Nobody will ever let that go!" He whined, as Momo leaned down on him.

"Come on, it was so cute of you giving me the lipstick. Your cheeks were so red." Haechan rolled his eyes, as Momo gave his cheeks a poke. "Baby, at least it was you. Imagine if it was Jeno or Jaemin..."

"I would feed them to the sharks. They all knew I have a crush on you forever. You are mine!" He held her close to him and shower her with kisses. She squeal in joy, as they spend their day living each other on the beach and in the hotel he got for the evening.

Around midnight, Haechan's phone was going off, as Momo woke up. She looked over at her sleeping boyfriend, as she reached over and was going to turn off the ringer. She saw it was Mark calling him, as she picked it up and answered the call.

"Hey man...huh...I was...I mean we were...did you...I mean...well Johnny told us you took..." Mark stuttered his words, as Momo just sighed.

"Yes, Donghyuck and I fucked all night and it was fucking good," Momo spoke, hearing Mark gasped. "I will tell you I will be walking slow tomorrow from how rough he was to me. Now if you excuse me, we are going to have round five until you want to listen." A dial tone was heard, as she turn off his ringer and toss it across the room. Momo cuddled against him, as Haechan let out a snore.

The next morning once he found his phone, he had a million of texts, miss calls, and voicemail from all NCT members and Twice members. Momo's phone was the same as well.

"I can't believe you told Mark that! You knew he would tell Chaeyoung, who will tell your members, and Jihyo will tell Taeyong, who will tell everyone else," Haechan whined, seeing another message from Taeyong to call him now.

"But hey, at least they know you can satisfy me." Haechan had to laugh at her, bringing her to a hug and a kiss on the lips.

"And this is why I love you so much."

"Tell Johnny the condoms fits perfectly." Haechan smiled, as he knew he was going do that.

Perfect Two *H.MM x AnyMaleIdol* Book 2Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя