Paradise *H.MM x L.TY*

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I like your smile that's brighter than the stars. This place where. We're dreaming the same dream - NCT 127 - Paradise

"Appa," Taeyong heard a voice, as he opened his eyes to see his eldest son, Jeno holding his wrinkled hand. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm all right, my son," he answered him. Jeno just rubbed his hand, as Taeyong looked around to see his children, Jeno, Jisung, and Joy in the room. "Hello my children." Joy hurry over to their father, giving him a smile. She gave him a kiss on the forehead, as Taeyong smiled. "Where are my grandchildren?"

"Jaemin and Chenle are watching them and took them to the park," replied Jisung, sitting on the edge of his bed. "We aren't sure if we wanted them to see you like this." Taeyong laughed at them, as they all smiled at their father. "You gave all of us a scare last night."

"I'm sorry, my children. Your mother would have scolded me for scaring you all." Taeyong has a weak smile, remembering his dear wife, who passed away about a year ago from natural cause. Jeno continued to rub his hand, as Taeyong spoke. "Have I told you how I met your mother?"

"About hundred times..." began Jisung, as Joy smack his leg to shut up.

"No Appa, tell us," she said, stroking his hair. Taeyong is suffering from Alzheimer's disease for the past few years and it is taking a toll on his health. It has gotten worse since his wife's death. Their children has taken care of Taeyong since, making him as comfortable as he could. He couldn't remember his wife is gone and talks about her all the time.

"I remember it was a beautiful day. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and it was a good day for me to walk my dog, Ruby in the park. I remember running into a goddess that day that has change my life."

Taeyong decided it was a great day to walk Ruby in the park. The dog was sure excited to go out, being coop up in the home. Taeyong and Ruby got to the walk and walk around the pond.

"Boo! Get back here!" Someone yelled, as a little dog was running straight to Taeyong. Ruby stepped in front of him, protecting his owner, growling at the dog. The dog stopped in front of Ruby, wagging its tail in joy. Taeyong heard someone running to him, as he looked up to see a goddess appear in front of him, out of breath.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't think Boo would escape from me," she said, picking up Boo's leash. She looked at him with a smile. "I hope my dog didn't disturb you."

"No...your dog seems nice. Ruby is just protected over me." The goddess picked up her dog, as Taeyong spoke again. "I'm Lee Taeyong and this is Ruby." She was still growling at the dog.

"I'm Hirai Momo and this is Boo." Ruby wanted to go one on one with Boo, as she bark and tug at Momo's pants. Both of them were startle at Ruby's reaction, making Momo stumbled back. Yet Momo lose her footing, as they were by the pond and she was going back. Taeyong reached out and grabbed her hand, but it wasn't enough. Both of them and the dogs went into the pond. Lucky it wasn't deep, but still enough to get them all wet.

"I'm so sorry. I don't know what has gotten into Ruby," Taeyong said, as Momo was sitting in the pond. "Let me make it up to you."

"Well if this is a way to ask for my phone number, you need to work on your form just a bit," joked Momo. They both laughed, as Taeyong stood up and help Momo to her feet.

"I knew then I would be with her forever," Taeyong said, as he looked over at the picture frame of them at their wedding day. "Marrying your mother was one of the happiest day of my life, along with the birth of my children." Taeyong coughed a bit, as Jeno gave him some water. "Jeno, my son, your mother was so blessed when you came out after 32 hours of labor. You were so stubborn to come out that she tried to bribe you."

"And I know where I got that stubbornness from, Appa," Jeno replied, as Taeyong chuckled. Jeno got Taeyong comfortable on his bed, as Taeyong kept talking. "I remember the birth like it was yesterday." Jeno shook his head, as he heard this so many times. His husband find this story so funny each time he hears it.

"Your mother begged your to come out with cookies. She broke my hand in the process. She just scream for you to come out and finally you did. Your head got stuck and she had to push so hard, you nearly shot out." Jisung and Joy were laughing, as Jeno's face was red.


"Yet, when your mother held you for the first time, she just kiss you all over your face. She cried like you did, as I cried a bit." He looked at each of his children. "Your mother and I were so blessed to have each one of you in our life. You gave us grandchildren as well, how your mother loves to see them and eat them cookies." Taeyong looked for his wife. "Where is your mother by the way?"

"Appa, Eomma is downstairs making cookies for everyone," Jisung told him, patting his leg. The children did not have the heart to tell him that Momo passed away last year. That would break his heart, knowing she was gone, but he can't remember a lot of things so they weren't sure if they should tell him or not.

"Oh yes, she has to feed those grandchildren of ours."

"Yeah Appa, you know how Eomma is. She will be here soon enough," Joy said, still stroking his hair. Taeyong was feeling tired, as he looked at them again.

"Appa is tired," he said, as Jeno squeezed his hand. Joy tied to hold back her tears, while Jisung moved over to be next to his twin sister. "I think I'm going to take a nap. Wake me up when Eomma comes. I still haven't give her a good morning kiss." Taeyong closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

Unknown to him that was his last breath, as it was time for him to meet his beloved wife once again.

Taeyong opened his eyes again, as he was not in his room. He was in a beautiful meadow with a house on the hill. Flowers were everywhere, the cool breeze hit his skin, and the sun was shining. He blocked the sun with his hands, as he saw that his hand was not wrinkle anymore. He walked over to a small pond and looked at his reflection. He was back being his young self.

"At least this time, Ruby and Boo isn't here," he heard a voice, as he turned around. Standing there was his wife, his beautiful goddess Momo, looking young like the first time he met her. "Hey love." Taeyong ran over to Momo and gave her a tight hug. "I miss you so much."

"And I miss you too," he replied to her, "I'm sorry that I made you wait but now we are here together forever." He gave her a sweet kiss and smiled at her. "It's been over a year since I got to hold you and kiss you."

"One long year," she agreed. Taeyong just hold Momo close, letting the sun set in the background. Gone from the world, but forever together in all eternal.

-cry- I had emotions writing this. -cry-

Perfect Two *H.MM x AnyMaleIdol* Book 2Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang