Miss Independent *H.MM x A.YT*

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Said ooh it's somethin' about. Kind of woman that want you, but don't need you. Hey, I can't figure it out. It's somethin' about her - Ne-Yo - Miss Independent

Momo was running as fast as her two little legs could go to meet up with Yuto. "Of all the days, my alarm didn't go off," she mumbled to herself, running down the street like her life depend on it. She wasn't going to make Yuto wait on her. She was the one supposed to be waiting for him, since she is the one that invite him out to the ball game. She knew Yuto loves baseball and invited him, unknowing she was breaking the hearts of a million idols who would die to go with her.

"The gates," she said, running faster and made it there. She looked around to see that he wasn't here yet, as she took a deep breath. "Good I'm not late."

"Well I only was waiting for like five minutes, but I had to run to the bathroom," Yuto spoke up behind her, making her jump. She turned and he smiled at her. "Man, you are a fast runner. Was a tiger chasing you or something?"

"No, I was scared to be late, as my alarm didn't go off," she told him, wiping some of the sweat off her forehead. "I'm so sorry that you had to wait and..."

"Hey relax, it's not that bad. We have plenty of time," he reassured her, as she nodded. She took off her backpack and dig inside and pulled out a baseball cap.

"Here you go," she said, giving him the cap. "I have one too, so we can match." Yuto's cheeks were turning red, as he accepted the cap. She put hers on, as he looked at her.

"You didn't have to get me anything, Momo. Coming to the game is enough and..."

"Hey hey hey, I'm treating you now, so you have to accept or you are going to break my heart."

(Breaking the 4th wall and Yuta appears: One moment please...-dragging Yuto away- Listen you little punk. You better listen and accept everything from Momo! If she has one tear falling from those beautiful eyes of hers, I am going to hang you by your toe over a tankful of sharks in the dark!
Yuto: -scared as hell- Yes...yes sir.
Yuta: good continue with the story)

Yuto chuckled at her and put on the cap. Momo clapped with excitement seeing him in their matching caps. She got the tickets in hand and was going to put her bag on, but Yuto took it.

"At least let me carry your bag," he said. "It is the least I can do." Momo gave him a nod and Yuto held his hand out to her. Momo took his hand, as they walk to the ticket booth. Both of their cheeks were red.
"Wow you got good seats," he said, as they got to their seats. Momo brought them some snacks and drinks. Yuto was going to tell her that he was fine, but the hot dogs were telling him he needs one.

"Yup, thank goodness I was lucky enough to win these," she said to him, as they both sat down. People were slowly coming in, as they were comfortable.

"Good thing I brought my glove," Yuto said. "I hope to catch a foul ball today."

"I'm sure you will, just protect me from getting hit is all I ask," she joked with him.

"Of course, I would never forgive myself if you get hit." They kept talking with each other, while the game was getting ready to start.
-Meanwhile in the nosebleed section-

"You know for Yoongi-hyung, he could have got us better seats instead of cheap ones," complained Jungkook, as Yuta was looking at something through his binoculars.

"There you are," Yuta said, looking at how close Yuto and Momo were. Hoshi snatch the binoculars from Yuta to see what he was looking.

"That damn Yuto! He steals our Momo away. I should be the one sitting next to her," he said, as Momo fed Yuto a hot dog. "That's should be me!" He pulled the binoculars, which the strap was attach to Yuta's neck. "I should be getting fed by Momo! He had to put a magic spell on her!"

"You know she was the one that ask him you know. She knew he likes baseball," said Jaehyun, eating peanuts with Jaemin.

"Hyung, you are choking Yuta-hyung," said Dino.
The game was good, as everyone was enjoying themselves. Yuto even taught Momo some of the basics so she knew what was actually happening. She knows hit ball, run bases and three outs. Yuto was really patient with her and actually like how someone wants to learn about the game. Usually girls would rather do something else than watch sports, in his experience but Momo was great company.

They watched, as the batter hit the ball. The ball was flying out of bound and close to them. Yuto got his glove out and stood up. Momo watched, as Yuto caught the foul ball with ease. Momo cheered for him, as he smiled.

"Wow, that is so amazing!" He says back down and held the ball in his hand. "You so have to teach me how to catch a ball."

"I will be happy to help you with that." As they were talking, another foul ball was hitting and heading towards them. It was going to hit Yuto on the head, as Momo saw it coming. Without thinking, she just stood up,  reach up with her hand and caught it. It was like six inches from hitting him, but she got it. Yuto was surprise she got it with her bare hands. "Nice catch you save me."

"It's no problem, but I think I know why gloves are needed," she said, bringing her hand down and remove the ball to see it was really red. "It stings a bit..." She sat back down, as Yuto took her hand. He saw a big red circle on her hand. He got his water bottle and handkerchief and did some magic. He soak it and wrapped it around her hand.

"That's solhould be good until we get out of here," he said, as Momo nodded.

"Thank you." She gave him a kiss on his cheek. He blushed a bit, as everyone one cheering. They both happen to look up and at the scoreboard monitor. Behold, it was them on the screen with a big heart around them. Everyone there saw Momo kissed him on the cheek. Both of them went red of embarrassment.

"Next date, we are going somewhere that doesn't have that," he said, pulling his cap down to covered his face.

"Agreed," she replied, shielding her face with her hands to hide this. They both knew this was going to hit all social media, their family, friends, members and fans, but they don't care at the moment. They both just laughed their embarrassment off to enjoy the rest of the game.
"So the plan is to eliminate Yuto at any cost," Yuta said, as they all nodded except Jaemin.

"I know where is a good place to dump his body," Jungkook added.

"I can get the posion. I will just have Jisung cook, his cooking and kill anyone."

"That should have been me," complained Hoshi, pouting.

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