Girl On Fire *H.MM x P.JM*

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Looks like a girl but she's a flame So bright she can burn your eyes Better look the other way - Alicia Keys - Girl On Fire

"My poor son," King Chanyeol spoke to himself, watching his son, Prince Jimin, staring out the window, looking broken. His son's love was stolen from him in a battle at the castle a few weeks ago and Jimin was severely injured, trying to protect her. Most of the guards are and still searching for his love. They were planning to get married soon. Chanyeol went over to his son. Jimin still recovering from broken ribs, broken leg, stab wounds, and a broken arm.

"I should be out there searching for her, Father," Jimin said, turning to look at him. "What kind of man am I staying here while everything is looking for her?"

"Jimin, you are still recovering. You won't be much help on the search. You can barely walk right now."

"Father, that is my love, my soon-to-be wife out there. She must be scared and alone with those vile people! I just can't sit here and wait! I must do something!" Jimin slowly moved to his feet, holding a crutch to him. "I don't care if everyone has to carry me, I have to be there to find her." The door opened up, as the head guard, Johnny came in out of breath.

"My King, my Prince, we have found her..." he said, out of breath.

"They found her, Father," Jimin said, moving to Johnny as fast as he could. "Take me to her now."

"My Prince, there is something wrong with our lady. She isn't...she isn't...normal..." Chanyeol and Jimin looked at their head guard with confusion.

"Please explain," Chanyeol said.
Jimin, Chanyeol, and Johnny rushed to where Jimin's love is with the other guards in a hurry. Johnny and Chanyeol helped Jimin to get to her, since he was still recovering. They finally got to where the guards were. One of the guards, Mark was on the ground, holding his arm from where he got hurt, as Jeno and Kai were helping him. Jimin looked over to where the trail of blood and his eyes opened widen in shock.

Chained up with four guards holding the chains was a feral Momo. Her eyes were bright electric blue, her teeth was sharp and she was showing off her fangs at everyone and growling. Her nails were sharp and covered in blood, as she was on her knees, trying to escape the chains.

"Momo, love..." Jimin called out to her, as she snarled at him, making him jump. He has seen feral humans before but would not imagine to see someone that he knows well he loves to be feral. Momo was never feral ever in her life. People can only be feral if they are bitten by a feral or experiment on with dark magic.

"Someone gets Taeyong and Yoongi now!" Chanyeol ordered the guards. The guards ran to get the royal mages, while Jimin slowly moved closer to her. "Mark did you get bit?"

"No she just scratch me," he replied. "She never lunged to bite me but she has mad reach with her claws...I mean hands." Jimin was about a foot away, as she was growling at him for getting close.

"Love, it's me, Jimin," he said to her, trying to see if she will know who he is. "Jimin, your soon-to-be husband. Momo, please..." he tried to reach out to her, but she snapped at him, making him fall back. Jimin had to keep trying to reach to her, as he leaned forward with his hand towards her. She was still snarling at him, yet she let herself sniff his hand. She was smelling his scent, as it seem that she was getting calm. "There you go Momo, you remember who I am." Momo didn't answer and just continue to sniff his hand.

"Jimin," Chanyeol called to his son, as Kai and Sehun got the young prince and moved him away from her for his safety. As soon as he moved his hand away, Momo went on growling and started to thrash in her chains.

"Wait, Father, I think she knows who I am," Jimin plead with him. Momo was snapping at the guards, who was holding the chains and continue to thrash. One of the guards dropped the chain, which made Momo able to break free from them. Momo growled and went charging over to Jimin teeth showing. Kai and Sehun stood in front of Momo to brace themselves to protect the prince.

"Lightning!" Yoongi and Taeyong called out, using their magic to strike Momo. She let out a painful scream before she fell to the ground.

"Stop you are hurting her!" Jimin yelled, as Taeyong and Yoongi went over to Momo. She was still awake, whining and trying to growl at them.

"It's all right," Taeyong said, as Yoongi was casting a sleep spell on her. "We will cure you, Lady Momo." She turned to look at Jimin with an expression of hurt, sadness, and a feeling of help, before she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

"Let's get her to the clinic now," Yoongi said to the guards. The four guards picked up Momo and dragged her to the clinic with Yoongi behind them.

"We will update you My king, My prince," Taeyong told them, giving them a bow.

"Wait, I want to come too. I know she will be fine with me around and..."

"With due respect my prince, we want to make sure everything is safe with her. She seems stronger than an average feral. This could be experimental. Please wait until we come and get you." Taeyong bowed again and went after them. Jimin was ready to protest, as Chanyeol put his hand on his shoulder.

"Let them do their job, son. This isn't their first feral you know."

"I know but it's Momo! Why would she have turn feral? Oh when I find out I will kill each and everyone for doing this to my love."
"It's definitely experimental and they put out all the stuff," said Yoongi, looking at all the scars and traces on Momo's body. Momo was frozen in place sitting up with her arms and legs strapped to the table really tight. They had to gagged her as well since she nearly took a bite out of Taeyong when she woke up.

"They must have done a lot of injections in her over the time she was kidnapped from the castle," Taeyong added. Momo tried to growl at him, as he tapped her nose. "Hey now we are here to help, Lady Momo."

"Do you think it's because she is the only person that can create white fire."

"I had that hunch as well. We are the only ones who know about that power. Maybe whoever took her was trying to use her for their advantage," Taeyong said, searching in his book for a cure. "This is going to take a lot of magic, potions, faith and hope to get her back to normal." The door opened and Jimin came in with Johnny holding him. "My prince, we told you that we would come and get you when..."

"I'm sorry but he begged with me, Yonige to see her," Johnny told his husband, as Taeyong sighed. Jimin saw Momo as he motioned Johnny to moved him closer to her. He slowly did, as Jimin released his hold and moved to her. Momo's eyes never left him, as he held his hand out to her. She sniffed his hand, making her calm and her hands unclench. Taeyong and Yoongi observed their interaction, as Jimin slowly moved his arms to wrapped around her neck. He rested his head on her shoulder and hugged her.

"My love, please..." Jimin whispered. She just let him rest his head on her.

"It does seem she does recognize you, my prince, to a certain extent," said Yoongi. He went over to touch her, as she growled at him. He backed away, as Jimin moved his hand to touch hers.

"No, be nice." Momo grunted at him in response.

"Yes, you are right Yoong," Taeyong agreed with him. "My prince, you may stay. This can help us able to find the right cure for Momo without her trying to bite and claw at us. With you here, she is acting calmer than others I have seen."

Jimin looked at Momo and rest his head on her shoulder again. "You will get better. They are the best and will cure you. Once you are heal and back to normal, we will get married." He just rubbed her hand, as Momo did not moved.

Jimin: Why do you torture me like this!!!!
Jungkook: shut up! We only had like six hours to put her back together. Be lucky she ever got this out!
Jaemin: I think we put some parts in the wrong parts.

Taeyong: -looking at her notes- next up is umm.... did she write this with her left hand.
Vernon: you guys put her hands on wrong!
Yoongi: we have re-fix the author.
Taeyong: -looking closer to her notes- Momo and Chani? I think or is it Chan? Chanyeol? Chaeyoung?
Chan: let's go with Chani. I remember someone wanted a SF9 member.

Chaeyoung: comment and vote! We are on our way to 200 now!!!
Sana: pace yourself let go with 125.
Chaeyoung: and 127 for NCT -giggle-

Wonwoo: -take the notes and make some changes- she owes us...

Chaeyoung: see ya next time! Bye sweetie sweetie!!!

Perfect Two *H.MM x AnyMaleIdol* Book 2Where stories live. Discover now