Ready to Love *H.MM x J.WW*

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All I wanna do is run away. 'Cause you are my escape babe - Seventeen - Ready To Love

"Wonwoo!" He heard a voice calling out to him, as he saw Momo standing in the back with a smile on her face waving at him. His smile grew, as he ran to Momo. He gathered her into his arms, giving her a huge hug before lifting her in his arms. Momo let out a surprise scream and then giggled at her man. Wonwoo stared up at the most beautiful girl in the world, as he slowly brought her down. Momo managed to get her hands on his cheeks and pulled him into a kiss once her feet touch the ground. They shared a romantic kiss, as they slowly pulled away from each other. "Hi..." she whispered to him.

"Hey..." he replied back, resting his forehead against hers. "I missed you so much." Momo closed her eyes and opened them again to see Wonwoo staring back.

"It's real, you're back," she said, as he nodded. "I miss you as well Wonwoo." They stood there for a few minutes, just holding each other and whispering words. Every now and then, Wonwoo would place kisses on her face, as she let out a light giggle.

"I have a surprise for you, but you will have to wait until tonight," he said, giving her one last kiss. He released her and took her dandy hand into his. He looked down at it and smiled.

"You ready to go home and rest?" He nodded, as someone yelled at him.

"Jeon Wonwoo! We are not your slaves! Get back here and get your luggages!" Seungcheol yelled at his members. Wonwoo looked back to see his luggages was on the ground in front of the ground. He got excited when he saw his love, he dropped everything and ran to her. Not to mention, they were in the middle of the airport, so pretty much everyone was watching them.

"Come on babe, let's get your things," she told him, blushing as she just remembered they were in a public place. Wonwoo nodded, as they walked over to the guys. He notice his gift for her came out of his bag, as he was freaking out on the inside. This will ruined the surprise tonight if she see it. Woozi happened to look down to see the gift and was on it.

"You owe me for this," he muttered, as he hurry over to Momo, spun her around, and did his best aegyo he could do without feeling so dumb. Momo was a sucker for any aegyo and gushed over Woozi.

"You look like a cute squishy mochi," she said to him, squishing his cheeks together. Wonwoo grabbed the gift and shove it in his bag. "I could eat you up!"

"Please...please...don't..." he managed to say with his face all squish. Wonwoo gave him a thumbs up, as Woozi just took the punishment of Momo.

"Princess, he needs to breath you know," Wonwoo told her, getting his luggage and putting on his bag. Momo released him, as Woozi was able to breath again.

"Oh sorry, I got a bit carried away." Woozi just nodded and went back over to Hoshi and Seungkwan, rubbing his cheek.

"We all been through that," said Hoshi, patting his back.

"Is it necessary I have to wear this?" Momo asked Wonwoo, pointing to a cute bear blindfold over her eyes. Wonwoo chuckled at her, as she looks so cute.

"Yes I have a special surprise for you. Remember what I told you," he said, continued to drive down the road.

"You told me to dress nice and before I knew it you put this on me. What are you planning Jeon Wonwoo?" He put his hand on her thigh, as she let her hand got to his.

"Just be patience, Princess. I promise you, you are not going to forget this night." They kept on driving, until they arrived at the secret place he had all set up. He stopped the car. "We are here." Wonwoo got out and help Momo out of the car. He gently guide her to the spot and stood behind her. "Okay take off the blindfold." Momo took it off and looked in front of her. She let out a gasp of surprise at the sight.

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