Butter *H.MM x BTS*

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Ooh, when I look in the mirror. I'll melt your heart into two - BTS - Butter

"Oh dear..." Momo said, as she was watching the Grammys and see that BTS didn't win the Grammy once again. She could tell on their faces they were disappointed but kept a smile and cheer for the winner. Momo was actually at the hotel to surprise them with an after party, but they aren't going to be in much of a mood once they get back.

"Well I planned for this just in case," Momo told herself, as she grabbed some bags that she brought. She has been decorating the common room she she got to Vegas.

"Okay, got to make this fast

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"Okay, got to make this fast. They might come back sooner," Momo said, as she hurried to finish decorating the room. She got the banner up "We 💜 You" and set tables up. She had them all done and full of fresh fruits and snacks for them. She even got water on ice to be a bit fancy. She went over to the couch and pulled out special Grammy trophies she made for each member and one for the group. Instead of gold, they were purple and smaller than the original.

"I hope they like this," she said, as she placed them on the table. Momo spend a lot of time making these trophies perfect. She went digging in her bag again and pulled out some envelopes with each members name. She placed them by the trophies with their name and clean up everything else. She looked at her work and had a smile on her face. She was about to leave the room when she could hear people coming to the door.

"Oh..." she looked at the clock in the room to see how much time passed. "This isn't good. They don't know I came here!" She looked around and ran into a closet that was big enough for her to hide.

"What a night," Jun said, as he opened the door. He walked into the room and stopped in his tracks when he saw the decorations. Everyone followed him and crashed into each other's back.

"Hyung what the..." Jimin spoke then he saw the decorations. "Oh wow...it's too bad we didn't win." They walked over to the table, as Momo opened the closet door, just a little. She saw they were busy and she was about to make an escape, but Taehyung was turning making her closed the closet door again to be trapped.

"What's this?" Namjoon said, seeing the custom trophies. Namjoon picked it up to see the engraving from for "Best Leader", making him smile. Jungkook picked his up to show "Best Maknea", as Yoongi saw his said "Best Rapper." Hobi had "Best Dancer", Jimin was "Best Mochi", Jin was "Best World Wide Hansome," and Taehyung was "Best Visual."

"Well they are right with all of this," said Jimin, holding up his trophy. "This is better than winning one." Everyone agreed, as Hobi notice the envelope with his name on it.

"Look we all got envelopes." Hobi picked his up and opened his to read.

Dear Hobi,
No matter what, keep on dancing. Awards come and go, but never stop reaching for the stars. One day, the world will see you for all your worth. You have the Army to support you. You also have me to support you.
Fighting! I 💜 You!

"Doesn't say who wrote this?" All the members were reading theirs, as they were pretty much saying the same thing, except a few words were change. They felt better with this, as they wish they knew who did this for them. Then someone's cell phone went off. They all checked their, but it wasn't their.s. Jungkook followed the ringing and saw a pink cell phone on the couch. He picked it up and swipe right to answer. He put it on speaking for everyone to hear, in case it was a crazed fan.

"Momoring, you haven't call me since you landed!" Sana spoke harshly over the phone. "Did you get everything set up? Did you see the boys! I'm hurt that they didn't win, but I know that genius kind of your can make them happy with your surprise." They were surprised to find out it who did this, as Sana kept in talking. "I think it was a great idea to surprise them with a "We 💜 You," after party. Next year, they will get that win."

"Babe?" Taehyung spoke, making Sana stopped. "Sana, what is going on?"

"Uh...Sana? Who's Sana? Uhh...you're breaking...up...I am...losing...con..."

"Momo did this all? She is here in Vegas!" Yoongi exclaimed that his crush was here.

"Is she here in the hotel? What room number she is in? Jungkook asked, wanting to get her a huge hug for doing all of this for him.

"How would I know if I haven't had contact with her all day!" A small sneeze from heard in the room, as everyone was puzzled. "Oh that's Momo! I know that sneeze anywhere!" Jimin and Jim looked around the area, as Namjoon when to the closet door. He opened the door to see Momo standing their with her bag in hands, looking at him with a cute yet nervous look.

"Surprise?" She spoke with a nervous giggle.
"I'm sorry that you guys didn't win again," she said, as she joined them in the common room. Momo was sitting between Yoongi and Jungkook. "But you are still winners to the fans and everyone else no matter what."

"Momo, thank you so much for this," began Namjoon. "You really flown out here to do this for us." Momo nodded. "You didn't have too."

"But I wanted to," she said. "You guys deserve it."

"You made those cute trophies for us?" Jimin asked.

"Yes, I was able to find someone in Seoul to make them and get them to be purple. I also got them engraved, thought I would have pick better sayings."

"Like best boyfriend." -Jungkook
"Best husband." - Yoongi
"Why best mochi?! I could be best friend with Momo or even better her love." - Jimin

"We are really glad that you did this for us," Jin said. "This is better than the real thing." They all smiled and laughed, as Momo's phone went off.

"Oh my manager is here with the car," she said, standing up.

"Right you need to get some rest. Tomorrow we can have breakfast..." Yoongi said, as Momo spoke.

"Oh...actually I'm heading back to Seoul tonight." All seven of them looked at her in disbelief. "I was just here to do this and was off. Im glad this cheer you all up. Enjoy the party and I will see you guys after you finish your concerts here." Momo made sure she had her phone and head to the door. "Bye and remember "I 💜 You." She left the room, leaving the seven boys in silent.

"I think I'm in love with her," Jimin said, only getting a shove by Yoongi.

"A girl doing this for a boy, is so girlfriend material," Hobi said, getting a hard glare by Jungkook.

"I smell romance in the air," Jin said, "We would make a good couple." All five boys started to fight about who will go after Momo, while Taehyung had the camera out.

"So should we do the V-Live now?" Namjoon just sighed.

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