Tempo *H.MM x K.MY*

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So that she won't leave, she's by my side - EXO - Tempo

"Tomorrow is the big race," Mingyu said, taking off his helmet. He has been practicing for a while, as he has to win this race. This will shoot up his career and plus he will have enough money to get Momo her dream engagement ring. He knows she doesn't care but she deserves the best. He gave her a simple silver band for now until he can get her a real one. Momo told him it was fine, but still he was going to get her one.

Momo always support his career of being an BMX biker. His goal is to head to the Olympics for BMX in his country. He would work so hard day and night to achieve his dream. There were times he will crash and burn, ending up with broken bones, but his precious Momo was always there for him. She would work long hours at her job, come home to take care of him, and never once complain. He has been truly blessed to have Momo in his life. If it wasn't for his clumsy ass crashing into her picnic with friends two years ago, they would have never met.

"Yeah and qualifications for the Olympics," said his crewman and best friend, Wonwoo. "This is the year, you are going."

"No, we are all going. I couldn't have done this without my friends and crew."

"Aw so sweet like candy," joked Hoshi, "It's disgusting." They all laughed, as Mingyu got off his bike. Wonwoo grabbed the handles and went to put it away and locked it up for tomorrow. "Save that for Momo."

"I will," he said, taking off his gears and put it in his special bag. Momo gave him his bag last year and it has gave him good luck since. "Well it's time to head on home. Momo is cooking me a special dinner tonight and wants me to rest for tomorrow. She said no matter what she is going to treat all of us dinner."

"Oh Momo-noona's cooking is so good," said Dino, cleaning up the shed quickly. "Now I can't wait for tomorrow." Everyone said their goodbyes for the day and they all went home.

"Babe, I'm home," Mingyu called to her when he entered their nice little apartment. He took his shoes off, placed his bag on the floor and took off his jacket. He heard humming coming from the kitchen that brought a smile to his face. Mingyu walked to the sound and saw his girlfriend, dancing in front of the stove, stirring a pot. She had her headphones on so she didn't hear him enter the home or call her. Mingyu lean against the door frame, watching his fiancé, the love of his life, dancing and singing.

"We can't stop stop stop, this is party time," Momo sang, using the wooden spoon in her hand as a mic. Mingyu chuckled at her, as she continue to sing. "We gon' rock rock rock, I'm thrilled..." she turned to see Mingyu watching her with a grin. Momo toss the spoon on the counter and took her headphones off in a hurry. "Ming Ming!" Her cheeks were red in embarrassment. "...Err how long have you been standing there?"

"Hmm when you said 'Do you know what time it is?'," he teased her, as she pouted at him. He chuckled and went over to her, giving her a hug. "You are just too cute for your own good." He placed a soft kiss on her kiss and smiled. Momo smiled back at him.

"Go wash up and I will have dinner done by then." They shared another kiss and he walked to their bedroom to wash up and change.
"Tomorrow is the big day," Momo told him, as they were getting ready for bed.

"I'm really nervous," Mingyu told her, sitting in bed. "This is my last chance to make it to the Olympics." Momo walked over to him. "My dream is on the balance tomorrow." Momo sat down next to him and took his hand into hers.

"And you are going to get it, Ming." Momo rubbed his hand with her thumb. "You are going to be standing on top of the podium with all our friends and family watching you get that medal and your ticket to the Olympics."

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