When You're Gone *H.MM x C.HS*

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When you walk away I count the steps that you take. Do you see how much I need you right now? - Avril Lavigne- When You're Gone

Warning: this is a dark part...maybe the darkest I have wrote. But don't worry, we will have some parts and maybe a happy ending...maybe

The sound of the locks to the steel doors turning got her on high alert. The door slowly open as Momo hugged against the wall, pulling her blanket over her weaken, battered, scarred and bruised body. Footsteps entered the small, concreted-wall of a room, making Momo shake in fear. She kept her head down, in fear to make any contact with the person in the room. She heard a clank of metal hit the small wooden table in the room. The footsteps began again, this time leaving the room. The door slammed shut, locking her up in this room, her home for the past two years. Momo finally looked up once she couldn't hear anyone and saw it was her morning meal: a scoop of rice, one piece of fish, and a small bottle of water. Momo slowly crawled over to the table and slowly ate what she was given.

Once she ate, she crawled over to her single metal frame bed with just a pillow and mattress. She gently sat down on the bed, trying not to make a sound and hugged the blanket to keep her warm. She only have a small window to see what the outside world looks like. It has been so long since she been outside. Momo stared blankly at the only source of light, vaguely remembered what her life was like before this imprisonment.
Soft and light kisses touch her skin, as she moaned a bit and snuggling deeper to the person next to her. The person let out a hearty chuckle, making Momo opened her eyes to see the love of her life, the man that saved her, looking at her with love.

"Good morning my sweet peach blossom," he whispered to her, placing a kiss on her forehead. Momo gave him a huge smile, lifting her head up from her pillow. She slowly sat up in the bed, leaning over to place a good morning kiss to her love.

"Good morning Noni," she softly spoke to him, pulling away to see a blur of a person.
Momo couldn't remember what this Noni looks like anymore since she has been here. She couldn't remember if she had friends or family. Yet every night for the past two years, she dream of Noni, the one thing that makes her feel different: happiness to say the least. Yet each night, it gets harder and harder to remember what he looks like. His face is blurred to where she doesn't know what eye color he has, his voice is getting muffled and difficult to understand. She doesn't know if Noni is his real name. Soon any shred of memory of Noni might be gone at the rate her life is going.

She has been through so much with torture over the two years. Being beaten to near death many times, burned by anything metal onto her skin, cuts from any sharp objects to draw blood. She would scream and cry, but she would then get beaten even more. They near cut her tongue out but decide to burn it to where she could make a sound. Momo became a mute after her tongue was burnt for the third time. Her legs don't work well to the point she hasn't been able to stand and walk for a year. She had to crawl to move to her bed, the table, and the corner where her so-called bathroom is. She had learnt not to even attempt to fight back. She shows fear and stay quiet, as she can't do anything to save herself from this situation. She has wonder why she is still alive but doesn't dare to utter a word if she could. She is here just because she guess.

The whole day she just stared blankly into nothing, while daylight turns into night. Evening came, as the same meal came once again. She kept her head down, hiding in her blanket when it happen. Just be quiet and nothing bad will happen. After eating, she lie in bed, hoping she doesn't wake up the next day but luck is not on her side usually.
Shots and yelling woke up Momo from her dream of Noni. He was blurred to the point she couldn't make out anything. She slowly sat up on her bed, wrapping the blanket around her and press up against the wall. She looked up to the window to see there was something happening outside and the smell of smoke. Then the steel door rattled, scaring her. She threw the blanket over her head and closed her eyes. Her body was shaking, as the door kept rattling in fury. A huge crash followed, making her curled into a ball fearing this is it. This is the last moment of her life. Footsteps entered the room and loud voices as well, causing her to covered her ears. She tried to block everything out, as she felt a hand grabbed her blanket and slowly pulled it down to reveal her fearful self to them. She kept her eyes closed, ears covered, shaking all over, as the hand touched her shoulder.
-Moments Before-

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