Touched *H.MM x P.CY*

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I can be your lady, you can be my baby. So don't keep me waiting - BoA - Touched

"You are charged of being harm onto the prince," said the King, as Momo stood in front of the court. Her hands were tied in front of her, as she looked like she been through hell. She was whipped and tortured for the harm of the prince. She was barely standing on her feet from everything she suffered. "How do you plead?"

"Guilty your majesty," she answered, as her friends were trying to speak up for her. "I deserve the punishment." Momo was taking the blame for someone else, as her friends knew it. They knew she was in love with the prince and would never harm him. They tried to speak with the King and Queen but they didn't want to hear it. They saw Momo in the room with the bloody knife in her hand and Prince Chanyeol on the ground, bleeding.

"You are hereby strip from your title, exiled from the palace, and the kingdom. You made not have any contact with anyone from our kingdom and if you tried to come back, you will be killed," ordered the King, as Momo nodded. In the crowd, the actual person who did harm the prince was smiling at Momo's judgments. "Is there anything else you would like to add?" Momo shook her head, as two guards came up to her and grabbed her arms.

"Take her to the edge of the kingdom and leave her there," said the Queen. The guards nodded, as the Queen gave them a look. They took Momo out of the palace, without saying bye to her friends. She doesn't have any family left, as she kept her head down.

Soon they were at the edge of the kingdom. The guards let Momo's hands free and let her out of the carriage. Momo knew this was her new home, as she didn't bother to look back.

"I'm sorry Chanyeol, I love you always," she told herself, as she felt pain in her lower back. Momo looked down to see a sword pierced her stomach, as the guard let out a cry of Sadness and frustration.

"I'm truly sorry, Momo," spoke Baekhyun, as he pulled his sword out. Red blood stain both their clothes but either care. He caught Momo, as she fell. Him and Kai moved her over to a tree, as she was gasping for air. "It is the queen's order." Momo nodded at him, as she was in too much pain. She understand what he had to do, to show proof she was gone. She managed to get her ring off her finger and slowly gave it to Kai.

"Please, give it to Chanyeol...he needs to give it to the one he loves....I don't deserve this..." Kai nodded, as the two guards were crying. Everyone in the kingdom and palace love Momo to death.

"Why..." Kai began, but Momo cut him off.

"I had no choice, they never like me...they would not believe me..." Momo held her hands on the wound and looked at both of them. "Tell Chanyeol, next time we will meet under the peach blossom tree in a full moon...and I love him..." Momo closed her eyes, as Kai and Baekhyun got up and hurry back to the carriage. They couldn't bare to see Momo passing away in front of them, as they went back to the palace. Ironic, Momo was sitting under a peach blossom tree, letting the petals fall on her. Wet crystal tears running down her cheeks, as a small smile appear on her pale pink lips.

A few weeks later, Chanyeol finally opened his eyes to see Wendy staring down at him. His mother and father were in the room as well.

"My Channie, you're awake," said Wendy, as Chanyeol sat up in a hurry and gasped. He moved his hand to his stomach to see it was wrapped up. "You almost died of that poison dagger, but..." Wendy tried to grabbed his hand, but Chanyeol moved away from her.

"How dare you speak to me like nothing happens, when you were the one plunge that dagger in me," he spoke, as the King and Queen gasped. Wendy looked pale as a ghost, as Chanyeol stared at her with hatred. "You didn't like that Momo and I were together. You were jealous of Momo. You told me if you couldn't have me, then nobody can." The king yelled for the guards, as they grabbed Wendy and took her to the dungeon. "Where is my love? Where is Momo?"

The King and Queen were silent, as they made a grave mistake. "Mother, Father? Where is Momo?"

"She is no longer here. She was exiled from the kingdom. We thought she was the one that stabbed you with the poison dagger," the king said, as Chanyeol got out of bed in a hurry.

"We can go and get her back, Father. We can fix everything. She would never harm a fly," he told his father, slowly moving to the door.

"Chanyeol," said his mother, but he kept moving. "I ordered her death when she was exiled." Chanyeol froze in place, with his hand on the door. The king was in shock, hearing this news. "I had our guards killed her when they got to the edge of the kingdom. I thought with her gone, she would never harm you again." Chanyeol turned and looked at his mother like a raging bull.

"How could you! You are lying!" Chanyeol yelled, as his mother dug in her pocket and shown him Momoms ring, the one he spend hours having the jeweler to make it perfect for her. The pink diamond gold ring, their promise ring to be wed. The ring Momo would never take off.

"You want proof, well here it is." Chanyeol reaches out and grabbed the ring. He study it and it was Momo's ring.

"I have to go to her. She needs this ring," he said, as he ran out the door with his parents behind him. He kept the ring in his fist and his other hand holding his wound. He was trying to get out of the castle, as Kai and Baekhyun was able to tackle him down to the ground. "No! She needs me! I have to go to her!"

"She isn't here anymore, Chanyeol," cried Baekhyun. "She loves you so dearly to protect you." Chanyeol struggled against the two guards to get back up, yet they kept him in the floor.

"Momo loves you always and the next time you will meet us under the peach blossom tree on a full moon," replied Kai. Chanyeol stopped struggling hearing those words.

"You killed her? You killed the love of my life!" Chanyeol began to struggle again, as his parents watched their son on a breakdown. The king turned to his wife with a disgusted look.

"Exiled was bad enough, but you had the girl killed! I could always reverse my orders, but I can't bring back my son's love. I don't want to see your face right now."

Chanyeol continued to cry for Momo, as Baekhyun and Kai were crying as well. "Please...come back Momo! Please my love, I need you."
Two years later, Chanyeol still couldn't forgive his parents what they done to him and Momo. He did forgive Baekhyun and Kai, as they were ordered to. Chanyeol prays every night for Momo come appear back in his life. Every full moon, he would go and wait for her under the peach blossom tree, so they can be together again. He has never failed to miss a full moon, but Momo has not shown herself.

Chanyeol was visiting his good friend, Chen in his kingdom. When he got to the palace with his guards, he heard a laughter that he hasn't heard in two years. Chanyeol turned his head and saw his love Momo, holding a child's hand, as they walked to the courtyard. Chanyeol froze and hurry to catch up with her.

"Hey baby, you ready for lunch," Momo said, as the child nodded. Momo turned to see Chanyeol standing there. He ran to her and pulled her into a hug. He smelled the fresh peaches she always smell like, as he stroke her hair.

"My love..." he called out, as Momo was able to get away from him. She held the child close to her, as she spoke.

"Who are you?"
Chanyeol: Get your ass back here and finish this part!!! You can't leave it on a cliffhanger.
Yes I can!
Chanyeol: and get over here Baekhyun. You stabbed her!
Baekhyun: I didn't want too I was ordered to!
Yoongi: you lost your membership to the club!
Baekhyun: No! I'm the president!!!

Hope you love it all. Comment and vote
Chanyeol: we aren't done!!!!
Bye sweetie sweetie
-running from Chanyeol- Save me Taeyong!

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