Hurt *H.MM x L.MH*

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I focus on the pain. The only thing that's real - Johnny Cash - Hurt

"I'm so exhausted," Sana said to Momo, as they were both getting off the plane. Them and Mina went to Japan for two weeks to see family and promote their individual projects. Sana and her came home a day early, as Mina stay back. "I can't wait to lay in my bed and sleep."

"Same, but Minho is coming back later today. He is going to stop by to see me. Man it has been like months since we saw each other in person." Lee Know and his group were on tour in the US for a while. They still call and FaceTime each other but still it wasn't the same.

"I know the feeling. I told Hyunnie that he can go home and sleep before seeing me. I swear that boy loves sleep more than me at times. He didn't even argue with me on that." Both girls giggled, as they were walking towards the exit. Their manager went ahead to get their bags,l so they could take their time.

"At least I have time to freshen up a bit before he comes," Momo said, looking down at her outfit. Usually the girls would dress nicely to the airport and back, but today was not that kind of day. The girls just wanted to be comfortable, so sweats and sweatshirt was it. They did have their hats and masks on, but they doubt anyone will know who they are. They got to the main lobby, where they were a lot of fans and the media there. Nobody knew they were coming back today, as the girls kept a low profile. They did see their manager at the door with their bags. The girls were close, as people were screaming all of a sudden.

"They are here!" The fans and media started to move pass them, but the girls kept getting bump into. Sana and Momo linked their arms to stay together, while trying to escape. "Move out of the way!" A fan shove Sana out of her way, making her lose balance, which cause Momo to lose hers as well. Both the girls fell to the ground hard, as Momo landed on her shoulder and had Sana land next to her. The fans kept running over them, as they tried their best ti get out of the way. Momo managed to get Sana and herself away, but the damage was done. They did get trampled and had the footprints in their clothes to prove it. Sana sat up, clutching her ankle, while Momo lay back on the ground, holding her shoulder.

"Momoring," Sana cried out to her, scooting herself over to her fallen friend. She got Momo to sit up, as she clutch her shoulder. Their manager hurry to them to check on the girls.

"You girls all right?" They shook their heads, as they were both in pain. "I'm going to get the staff to help us get you in the van and we are heading to the hospital." They nodded, as the manager ran to the van to get the staff there.

Unknown to the girls, Stray Kids actually came into the lobby, surrounded by security to keep them safe from the fans and media. Felix happened to turn his head to see the two girls out to the side on the floor. He looked closely and nudged Lee know next to him.

"Hyung, doesn't that sweatshirt looks familiar?" Lee Know turned his head to what Felix was talking about to see the girls. It looks like one of his that he gave to Momo, while he was gone.

"It looks like mine..." he began, as Sana took off Momo's mask and wiped her tears away. When he saw her face, he knew it was his girl. "...and that's my Momo." He pushed himself towards her, but the guards would not allowed it. "Move out of my way! That is my girl on the ground right there and I will be damned if anyone stop me." He pushed the guard and hurry over to them. "Momo?!" Both the girls looked to see Lee Know, standing by them. He kneel down to her, as Momo kept her hand on her shoulder. "What happened?"

"They happened," Sana told him, nudging her head to the craze fans and media. He saw their clothes were dirty and with foot marks everywhere. "Our manager is getting help for us and we are getting check out." Lee Know was really upset to see them like that because of the fans. Lee Know was going to help Momo up, as she slapped his hand away.

"Sana needs it more. Her ankle..." she said, as he looked over to see her holding it. He could tell Momo is upset about what is going on, but he doesn't blame her. She was just trampled by the fans and media. He wouldn't be happy at all if it happen to him. "I can get up on my own, help Sana." Lee Know nodded, as Momo stood up and he help Sana up. Sana cried a bit, trying not put weigh on her bad ankle. Hyunjin was able to get to them and saw his girl in pain.

"My baby!" Hyunjin hurry over to her and took over taking care of her. He picked up Sana, as Lee Know went to Momo. He wrapped his arm around her and protected her, as she put her mask back on. He was trying to keep his temper under control, as Chan came up to them.

"Come on, we have to keep moving." He saw the state the girls were in and how the boys were keeping calm. Lee Know's hands were shaking in rage, while Hyunjin's forehead vein was starting to pop out. How they want to yell at everyone for hurting their girls. "We will addressed this later, the girls are the first priority to be safe."
"Babe, I'm sorry about slapping your hand away," Momo told her, as they leaving the hospital with her arm in a sling. Momo ended up with a fractured collarbone and will need to come back in a week to make sure it is healing or she will need surgery. Sana had a sprain ankle and her dramatic boyfriend thinks she is going to lose her foot. Lee Know held her hand and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"It's all right, I know you were upset and in pain. I'm just glad it isn't so serious," he told her, as they were walking to the van. Sana and Hyunjin were already there waiting for them. "But I am going to have a harsh talk with the fans about how they acted and hurt my girl. The media will be punished as well. Now let's get home. I need cuddles from you and you need some rest as well."

"I love you, Minho," Momo said with a smile. He kissed her forehead and smiled back.

"I love you too."

Perfect Two *H.MM x AnyMaleIdol* Book 2Where stories live. Discover now