Love On Top *H.MM x L.TY*

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Baby I can hear the wind whip past my face. As we dance the night away - Beyoncé - Love On Top

Momo giggled to herself, as she was drawing on Taeyong's wall in his bedroom. Taeyong went to the kitchen to get them something to drink. She saw a pen and all his drawing on his walls, she decided to add on as well. Now she isn't the best drawer, but she is going to do her best. She was so foucs on her work, she didn't hear Taeyong coming back in the room with two bottles of water in hand. He looked to see how cute she was drawing on his wall. He set the waters on the desk and slowly climbed in the bed where Momo sat drawing. He wrapped his arms around her waist making her jump.

"Yongie!" Momo cried out, as he gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Don't sneak up on me like that."

"I'm sorry, love, but you look so cute focusing on your drawing," he told her, as Momo blushed. "What are you drawing?" He looked at her drawing to see what she is doing.

"It's not done yet," she said. "Give me fifteen minutes, so I can finish it."

"Let me help you," he told her, as he grabbed her hand with the pen and help her held it to the wall.

"Okay but I will move my hand on my own." Momo continued to draw with Taeyong's hand over her. She continue to draw her picture, as Taeyong smiled at her. She was being so cute in drawing, as he rest his head on her shoulder.

"Yongie, I can feel your breath on my neck," she said, stopping. He just chuckled at her, as she turned her head a bit. "Just give me a few and I will be done. We can cuddle afterwards, I promise."

"All right, love. I'm going to feed my fishes and come back." He kissed her on the cheek. "Don't miss me too much."

"I miss you every time we aren't together, honey." Taeyong let her go and climb out of the bed. He left his room to feed the fishes in the main room.

"Hey Taeyong, it's your turn to do a V-live tonight," said Johnny, as Taeyong sighed. So much in having a nice quiet night with Momo, but then an idea popped in his head.

"I should do the V-live with Momo. Oh I know what we can do," he said, going back to his room to see she was done drawing. "Hey love, I got to do a V-live and I want you to join me. We can answer questions to the fans about us."

"Oh! I like that idea," she said, getting out of bed. Taeyong went to look at the drawing, but Momo stopped him. "I will show it to you after the live all right? It can be the final thing."

"All right."
"Hello NCTzens and welcome! I have a special guest who will be joining me today," he said to the camera, as Momo appeared next to him. "It's my lovely girlfriend, Twice's Momo."

"Hello NCTzens and Once," Momo said, waving to them. Taeyong smiled and took her hand into his.

"Usually I just talk about anything, but tonight we are going to answer questions about us. It's the Boyfriend/Girlfriend tag. You can write your questions in the comments and we will answer them, as long it is appropriate." Soon fans were flooding the comments with questions, as Taeyong read the first one.

Who ask who first for a date?

"This is actually going to surprise everyone on this," began Momo. "It was Chaeyoung and Mark. Let me explain, the two wanted to go on a date, but they were really awkward with each other at first. They didn't want to go on a date alone, so Chae ask me to come with her, as Mark ask Taeyong to come."

"He pretty much begged me to come," added Taeyong. "I knew it would be a double date, but I didn't know who was my date." He looked at Momo with a smile, "I'm really glad it was Momo." Momo blushed, as he squeezed her hand. "We all had a fun night and exchange numbers to have more dates, which was just me and her. So thank you to the awkward couple Mark and Chaeyoung."

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