When You're Gone *H.MM x C.HS* Part 2

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The car pulled up to the manor with Wonwoo opening the car door to get out. Vernon hurried out of the car, still holding Momo close to him. The doors to the manor opened up to reveal the mob's doctor Joshua. He took one look at the sleeping girl and ushered Vernon to the medical room he had his staff name in a big room.

"Set her on the bed. Jeonghan, remove the coat off her," Joshua told him, as he went to get his gloves. Vernon gently got her on the bed, as Jeonghan slowly got the coat off her.

"What the hell did they do to her?" Jeonghan said, seeing the state she was in. Jeonghan put the coat a chair, while Joshua came up to them with some supplies in hand.

"Their fate were much worse than hers," Vernon replied, brushing a piece of her hair off her face. "Seungcheol is making sure no evidence is left of them."

"Sorry Vernon, but I'm going to need you to step out. I'm going to need the room with my staff." Vernon glared at Jsohua, telling him no. "Yes I know it has been two years, but I need to exam her to see her injuries and see what treatment she needs." Vernon looked back at Momo for a moment, before placing a quick kiss on her forehead.

"I want a full report about each injury on her body even if it just a scratch. I am going to have Minghao get some clean clothes for her. I will clean up and be in my study." Joshua and Jeonghan nodded. Vernon picked up her hand and placed a soft kiss on her knuckles.

"You are going to be fine, my peach blossom. You are in the best hands that any medical can. I love you," he whispered to her, letting go of her hand. Vernon turned and left the room to clean off the dry blood off his skin.

"All right, let's get to work," Joshua spoke to his team. "We have a lot of work ahead of us."
What it seems like forever, Momo slowly opened her eyes. The first thing she saw was creamy white ceilings above her. This is completely different from what she living in before. Her eyes shifted to see deep, rich midnight blue walls a few paintings hanging on the wall, and white wall lamps. She felt the silky blanket under her hands and over her body, keeping her warm. She heard a bit of shuffling in the room, starting to make her shake in fear. Footsteps came towards her, keeping her eyes focus on the blanket.

"Oh you're awake," a sweet voice spoke up to her. Momo decided to take the risk to look at the person speaking to her. "Hello there, Momo. It's has been so long since I have seen you." She look blankly at the person, while he set down a bowl of water on the end table. "You don't remember me? Well it has been two years and you have been through a lot. I'm Jun, one of the medical staff. We are going to help you get back to tip top shape." Momo blink at him, as he sat on the edge of her bed. "First thing first, let's get you clean up and out of that shirt." Jun moved to help her sit up, yet she was shaking in fear. "Hey now, you are safe with friends around. You don't have to worry about anyone hurting you anymore." Momo just sat there, letting Jun clean and change her clothes. She did shake every now and then, keeping her eyes down. Jun would stop what he was doing and tell her everything is fine, before continuing.

Meanwhile, Joshua and Jeonghan walked over to Vernon's study with the report in hand. Joshua knocked on the door and Vernon called them in. They entered the study, seeing Vernon at his desk, clean and dressed casual.

"Sit down," Vernon told them, as the two doctors did. "What is the report?"

"This is going to be tough to hear all of this," Joshua began, looking at his report. "Many of her scars appears to be from a sharp object cutting her skin. She has them everywhere from her cheeks to her ankles. Bruises on her back, hips, legs appears fresh as two weeks ago. She had burn marks but majority of them are now scars. It ranged from a piece of metal to a branding iron." Vernon's hands clutched into a fists, while he was control his anger on the villains who did this to his sweet peach blossom. "The worst of her burn we discover was...her tongue." Vernon stared at Joshua with confusion on his face.

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