Life is Cool *H.MM x J.JK*

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Gotta remember we live what we choose. It's not what you say, it's what you do - Sweetbox - Life is Cool

"Momo, it's okay," said Jin to her, as she was watching her boyfriend, guiding through the air on a rope over the crowd. "Jungkook practice this many times and they have made sure he is safe." Momo was holding her breath and her hands were clutched in a tight ball. She couldn't speak, as Jungkook sang and smile to the fans above.

"You think she was on that and not Jungkook," said Taehyung, as Momo felt her knees going weak when Jungkook swung around. Namjoon noticed her starting to fall down, as he caught her. Her face was pale, as Jin and him helped her to a chair. Jimin gave Momo a bottle of water to help calm her nerves. Momo tried to open the bottle, but her hands were trembling. Jimin took the bottle and opened it for her. He helped her get a drink, as Yoongi came with a cool cloth to wipe her forehead.

"You are really scare of height," Jimin said to her, putting the bottle down on the table. Momo was able to give him a nod, as she rest her head in her hands. Even though she wasn't the one on that rope, she felt everything.

"It's okay, Jungkook is back on the ground," said Hobi, as Jungkook came backstage. He saw his girlfriend's state and hurry to her.

"Are you all right, sweetie?" He asked her, as she moved her hand into his to feel him. She let out a sigh, trying to get her nerves back to normal.

"Please don't...don't let that again," she managed to speak, as Jungkook was confused. "You up in the air, it's so high..." He finally got in, as he knelt down in front of her.

"Hey Sweetie, look at me," he said, as Momo did. "I'm all right see? They would never put me in danger. I had safety harnesses on and even if I did, I would just dangle in the air and..." Jungkook stopped to see her face was pale again and she was trying to breath.

"Maybe talking about heights to her isn't the best idea," said Namjoon, as Jungkook pulled her into his arms. He rubbed his back, trying to calm her down. Jungkook wants to show her that heights aren't as bad as she seems.
"No, no, no, and no!" Momo told Jungkook, as they were on stage. Jungkook was going to practice his flying moves for the concert tomorrow night and he wanted Momo to try it out. "Are you trying to send me to an early grave, Jeon Jungkook!"

"I just want you to try. You aren't going to be flying like I could just a few feet off the ground and just around the stage," he said, holding a harness for her. Momo shook her head at him.

"If this is a way you are telling me you want to break up, just say it."

"No I'm not trying not I want to break up with you. I want to help you with your fear of heights." Jungkook move over to her and gave her a kiss on the forehead. "Im not going to leave your sight, just try. If you are scared, you will never have to do this again."

"I don't know..." Jungkook took her hand into his. He can feel her shaking, as he rubbed his thumb on the back of her hand. "What if I fall or the rope snap?"

"You will be hook up and we will have air bags, see." He shown Momo the air bags being placed everywhere. "They will break your fall if you do but you won't. Please trust me on this." Momo was silent for a few seconds, as she took a deep breath.

"You stay away from my funeral if I do die." Jungkook have her a soft kiss on her lips and help her with the harness.

"I'm regretting my decision," Momo said, as Jungkook put a helmet on her head. They went to the rope, as staff members were on stand by. The boys were watching from afar, hoping one Momo doesn't die and two getting some free entertainment.

"Ten dollars Momo start crying before she gets in the air," whispered Jimin to Taehyung.

"You're on. Twenty dollars added if she makes it through this in one piece."

"Fifty dollars that she breaks up with Jungkook after this," Yoongi said.

"You are asking for a miracle," Hobi said to him.

"Okay you are all hook up," said Jungkook, guiding her to the rope. Momo was shaking in her boots, as he got her left foot in the loop and strap her in. He got Momo's left hand on the strap and make sure she was strap in. Momo was holding onto the grip like a snake on its prey. "Are you ready?"

"If you mean to die, why not. I lived a good life, just promise me you will never do this to your next girlfriend," she said, as he chuckled.

"You are going to be fine. Want me to wrap you up in bubble wrap as well." He signaled the staff to raise the rope a bit.

"Maybe that's not a bad idea and..." Momo felt the rope moved, as she scream and closed her eyes. "I'm going to die, I'm going to die, I'm going to die!"

"Sweetie, you haven't left the ground yet," he said, trying not to laugh at his girlfriend. Momo opened her eyes, as she was still on the ground. Jungkook let a little laugh out, as Momo gave him a dirty look.

"Stop it!!!" Jungkook signaled again, as this time she was being lifted from the ground. Momo screamed a bit, as she saw herself moving away from the ground.

"This is so high!" Jungkook walked next to her, as she had her eyes closed. "I trusted you Jungkook!"

"Momo," he took her free hand and she opened her eyes. Jungkook was next to her and giving her a smile. She looked down to see she was only a foot off the ground. "Lucky you I can reach your hand with ease. All right let's get moving now." He guided her around the stage, as she hovered over. Momo's hand was shaking in his at first, but slowly her shakes were vanished. Momo still did scream a bit when she felt her weight tipping her a bit to the sides. Jungkook kept an eye on her to see her was starting to get comfortable as time went on. She still had a vice grip on the handle, as they continue to move around. "How are you feeling?"

"It's...honestly not bad," she admitted, looking around. "At least I can see a bit of the view you have in the concert." Jungkook smiled, as he signaled them to set her down. Momo jumped a bit, as she came back down. Jungkook helped her out, as he tried to get her hand out of the strap.

"Momo, you need to let go," he said, as she finally let go of the strap. He could see the imprint she left from gripping it. "See it wasn't so bad."

"You are right it wasn't that bad," she said, taking off her helmet. She turned to him, giving him a smile. "Thank Kookie." She got on her tippy toe and gave him a quick kiss on the lips.

"So the next lesson..." he began, only to have Momo shove the helmet at his stomach. She gave him a look that could kill.

"Don't push it or I will break up with you." He dropped the helmet to the ground and pulled her in a hug.

"You won't because you love me like I love you." Momo sighed, as he was right against

"Yeah I love you, my Kookie." They shared a kiss, enjoying their moment together.

"That will be twenty dollars, Taehyung," Jimin said, holding out his hand to him. Taehyung mumbled and dropped the money in his hand.

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