How Crazy Are You *H.MM x K.MY*

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I reach out for you hands. Hey babe, there's no second chance - Meja - How Crazy Are You?

"Welcome to Mingyu's kitchen, love," Mingyu said, as they entered the kitchen of the Seventeen dorm. Momo just rolled her eyes at him. "What? Oh it only sounds good if Bang Chan says it?"

"Well, he was the one that started it," she told him, "Plus their song God's Menu fits the bill." Mingyu pulled Momo into a hug and kiss the tip of her nose. "Oh Ming it's all right. Your kitchen is fine. As long as we keep certain people out of it."

"I know," he said, as he doesn't trust half his members in cooking. "Come on, let's get started with dinner. The boys were so thrilled to learn you are cooking for them. Gives me a break for once."

"But you are still going to help me right?" Momo asked him, playing with the collar of his shirt.

"Well...I was thinking meeting up with the guys for a bit," he joked with her, as Momo pouted at him. She was going to pull away from him, as he tightened his grip on her waist. "Love, I'm kidding. Of course I'm going to help you." Momo smiled at him, as he continued. "I have to make sure my kitchen is safe."

"Oh you meanie," she told him, as he chuckled at her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "I'm not bad you know all right?"

"Must I remind you about that egg incident?" Momo just pouted at him, as he kissed the pout away. "All right, enough teasing, let's get working. The guys will be home in three hours and they get grumpy when they are hungry." He let her go, as they gathered everything they will need to cook.

Everything was going well, as Momo decide to make dessert as well. She wanted to make a simple apple pie for the boys, as she make it from scratch. Mingyu help her with chopping the meat and vegetables for the stew, as she cut the apples for the pie. Mingyu watched her, as he was amazed by her. It was like they were a nice husband and wife cooking for their children, if you count 12 men to be their children. Momo placed the apples in the pie and was beginning to make the crust. Mingyu wasn't paying attention and almost cut himself with the knife.

"Ming, you need to pay attention," Momo told him, looking over. "We can't have you injury. Coup will never forgive me that my boyfriend got hurt on my watch." He set the knife down and put the meat and vegetables in the pot to make the stew tasty. He walked behind Momo and wrapped his arms around her. "Ming..." she said, as he lay a kiss on her neck. "Mingyu, we need to finish cooking."

"We have plenty of time," he said. "Let me watch you for a bit." Momo giggled at him, as he rest his chin on her shoulder. She continue to make the crust topping, creating a pattern. He notice the pattern and smiled at her. It was the Seventeen logo. He moved his hands and placed them on top of hers. Momo didn't say anything, as his hand guide her to make the logo right.

"Thank you Ming," she said to him, as they finished the pie. She turned to face him, as he showered her with some kisses on her face.

"You are amazing," he said to her. "They are going to love it. Now I have to keep my eyes on you. They might want to take you away from me because you can cook."

"But they are going to have to fight my Mingyu first," she replied, as he nodded. "I have nothing to worry about. Now, let me check on the stew and put the pie in the oven. You can help me clean up and we can have some time to cuddle on the couch." Mingyu let Momo go, as she got the pie and put it in the oven. She already preheat it, as Mingyu was cleaning up the kitchen. Momo check on the stew and rice of course and everything was perfect. Once the kitchen was clean and the food cooking slowly, they sat down on the couch.

Mingyu had his arms wrapped around her, as she cuddled with him close. This is the first time in a while they got to cuddle, as they schedule been crazy. Mingyu gave her a kiss on the head, as she intertwined her hand with his. "So nice to just relax like this today."

"Yes it is, with our schedule now calming down," he said. "We can finally go to the beach."

"If it wasn't for everything going around." They were in a middle of a pandemic and majority of things were off limit. "I would love to smell the water and lay out in the sun."

"I can see if we can get a kiddy pool on the roof," he said, as Momo giggled. She could see her tall boyfriend sitting in the kiddy pool already. "Once this is all over, we will go to the beach, even if it is just to say there and stare at the waves."

"Can we go when the sun is setting and the stars coming out?" Momo asked him. "It's so romantic and when it is a full moon to shine everywhere!"

"We can. I can picture it. The sun setting behind us with the stars starting to come out. A few tiki touches around just enough to still give that mood. Me, in a simple beach outfit but still making me handsome." Momo rolled her eyes at him. "And you in a simple but beautiful dress, when we do say our vows," he said, as Momo looked up at him.

"Ming...are you..." she didn't get to finished, as he nodded at her. He pulled something out of his pocket and opened it with one hand and show her what it was, a simple diamond ring.

"I know you love simple things. If I got you something expensive, you could have made me take it back." He moved away from Momo and kneel in front of her. "I love you so much and I want us together forever. You are my rock and there for me for everything. The good times, the bad times, and the crazy times. I want you by my side always. Marry me, Hirai Momo?"

Momo looked at him and nodded. "Yes, I will." He put the ring on her finger and they both stood up. They shared their first kiss as an engaged couple. "I love you my Ming."

"And I love you too my love. Now let's check on the food and cuddle some more." They turned to see twelve boys staring at them with eyes widen and mouths dropped. "Well...I don't have to break the news to you now."

Perfect Two *H.MM x AnyMaleIdol* Book 2حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن