Brown Haired Boy *H.MM x J.JH* Part 2

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"What the hell are you doing?" Johnny said, as he tackled Jaehyun to the ground. Jaehyun had his basketball in hand, ready to throw it at Taeyong. Taeyong was hanging out with Momo for lunch and Jaehyun was getting a bit...errr okay normally...yeah he was super, mega jealous. "You dare to hit my man!"

"He is getting too close to her," Jaehyun answered, struggling to get himself free.

"You know he is into men." Jaehyun sighed and stopped struggling.

"She had been ignoring me for three weeks now. I'm trying to making everything right again." Johnny let him go and took the basketball away from him.

"Well if you keep knocking out people that get near her then maybe she would actually give you a chance. You threw this at Lee Know three weeks ago."

"He was cuddling with my princess."

"You tripped Yuta and Shotaro at PE two weeks ago when we were playing soccer."

"Yuta had it coming, trying to flirt with Momo. Shotaro was just there and didn't mean to take him out as well."

"Last week, you stuffed poor Haechan in a locker and then threaten the Dreamies if they look at Momo, they will be joining him."

"He deserves it and we all know it. Just because he is Momo's favorite, doesn't mean he can make a move on her." Jaehyun remembered shoving Haechan in his locker when he heard he was planning to give Momo some flowers and ask her for a date.

"You nearly smash Mingyu's face into a brick wall two days ago."

"Okay that one was a mistake," Jaehyun defend himself. "It should have been Wonwoo's face in that wall. I thought Mingyu was asking for her number, but it was for Chaeyoung. I got a little carry away..."

"Your jealousy is going to kill someone one day," Johnny said. He looked over to see Doyoung was walking over to Taeyong and Momo. Johnny growled and threw the ball at Doyoung, hitting him in the head. "My Taeyong!"

"I'm not yours!" Taeyong yelled back, helping Doyoung. Momo just gave both of them a stare and assist Taeyong with Doyoung.

"Look, I got a plan to help you get your princess," Johnny said to Jaehyun, getting up. "Follow me."

"I have to say, you aren't winning brownie points at all with Momoring," Sana said to him, with her arms crossed. Johnny set up a meeting with Sana for him, as she knew Momo the best, next to Taeyong, but we all know Taeyong would tell him to stick it where the sun don't shine. "You are far different from what Momo told me about you."

"Oh she speaks about me?"

"She speaks about her brown haired boy she met over the summer, not this," pointing at him, "mess of a human. I did see you shove Haechan in that locker last week, though I did agree he was not a match for her. Maybe Jaemin."

Jaehyun made a note to destroy Jaemin later. "Look help me get Momo to talk to me or at least notice me. I'm ready to throw myself at her feet, but I don't want to be desperate like Johnny is to Taeyong."

"I wouldn't mind to see that about now." Jaehyun swallow his pride at this point and got on his knees, begging. "Let me take a picture of this. The mighty Jung Jaehyun begging for my help to win my best friend." Sana got her phone out and snap a picture. "Now listen closely, as this will be your only chance I will help you. If you failed, you will be on your own to win her heart. Believe me, I heard that Baekhyun has been waiting to make a move..."

"Just tell me what I have to do. I'm already at your mercy, what more do you want?"

"You are friends with Taehyung right?"

"Where is that airhead?" Momo said, looking around for Sana. They agreed to meet at the town fountain to head off to the beach. "Did she forget what time we are meeting?" Momo was about to take out her phone to call her, as someone tapped her on the shoulder. "About time, Sana. I was about to call..." she turned around and saw Jaehyun standing there with a smile on his face. He was dressed up like the first time they met in the summer. "What are you doing here?"

"Sana couldn't make it, so she send me," he replied, as Momo put her phone away. She was about to leave, as Jaehyun took her hand. "Come on, this is the last time we can go to the beach before it starts to get chilly." Jaehyun pulled her to the direction of the beach, while Momo was trying to get her hand free but he gripped it tighter. Momo gave up, as they continued to walk together. She looked around to see people she knew from school, staring at them, especially with their hands. "Jaehyun, let go..."

"Nah, I like your hands in mine thank you." They finally got to the beach, as they were a lot of people there. Jaehyun looked around and found the spot where they hung out the first time. We walked over there and let go of her hand. He set down the beach towel and sat down. He patted the spot next to him, as Momo just sighed and sat down next to him. "Come on, we have a lot to do." He set Momo's things down and stood up. He held his hand out to her, as she just gave him a look. He kept it out for her, as she slowly took his hand. He had a smile on his face and helped her up.

Soon, they were having fun. It was like a repeat of their first 'date', collecting sea wheels, building sand castles, kicking water at each other, just walking along the beach. Soon, they were sitting on the towel, walking the sun starting to set. They were snuggling together, as Jaehyun kept his arms around her. They were silent for a few minutes, as Jaehyun spoke.

"I'm sorry," he said. "I shouldn't acted like an ass when school started up. When you came up to me, I was just surprised. I really didn't tell my friends about my summer with this amazing girl. I just froze up. I didn't mean to hurt you."

"I understand," Momo replied. "I was just so excited, as I got to know you, the real you. It did hurt me when that happen. You don't know how hard was to hold back Sana and Taeyong once they got the full story." She took a deep breath and continued. "Honestly, I gave up on love just to focus on school and dance. I thought it wasn't meant to be, yet I did notice everything you done." Momo turned to him. "Yeah I saw you tripped Yuta and I had to get Haechan out of his locker when he called me saying to shove him in there."

"Yeah...well..." Jaehyun tried to defend himself, as he was turning red in the face of embarrassment. "You made me do these things all right? I never been into a girl like you." Momo got him to look at her and gave him a smile.

"If you want my attention, be yourself okay?" He nodded at her and the both leaned in for a kiss. She broke the kiss, as Jaehyun pouted. "You are still going to apologize to Yuta, Shotaro, and Haechan."

"Might as well to Lee Know and Mingyu as well." Before Momo could say anything else, he pulled her into a kiss. She kissed him back, as the sun set behind him.

Next: Give Your Heart A Break - Momo x Han

Han: Yay!
Chan: Get your butt in bed mister! You need to recover!
Get well soon Han! Fighting!

Perfect Two *H.MM x AnyMaleIdol* Book 2Where stories live. Discover now