Supergirl *H.MM x B.BH* Part 2

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Please read Supergirl Part 1 from Book 1 to understand what is going on, thank you.

Baekhyun was sitting in the waiting room, waiting to hear any news of Momo. He meant to her that she is all he had. He called the police on his parents when they send a hit on Momo.they were arrested, as Baekhyun had enough evidences to proof on his parents. He never thought it would have gone this far on a person he loves. He knew they didn't approve of Momo because she is poor, but he doesn't care. He loves her for herself. He remembers his last words with his parents.
"You put a hit on her!" Baekhyun yelled, when he found out what his parents done. "I already broke up with her like you ask."

"Like you can keep away from her," his mother said, sipping her tea. "Once she is gone, we need to focus on your wedding with Irene."

"I don't want to marry anyone! I got to..." he was trying to leave, but his father grabbed his arm to stop him.

"You aren't going to make it. The people we hired are skilled and will take her down," his father stated. Baekhyun got his arm free from his father and stared him in the eyes. "Serious, we have done this many times with our clients. This is a first to do it to protect our heir."

"It's always about money in this family. Money isn't going to follow us to the grave! I found something more important than money and that's love. Someone who loves me for me! Someone that doesn't see me as dollar signs! I will be damned to hell if you take away the one person that brings me happiness." His parents just laughed at him.

"Such strong words, Baekhyun. You will forget about that poor girl in no time. Nobody would even notice she is gone," he mother laughed. "Just marry Irene, so we can have control of her family business. Once we do, you can dump or we we can just kill off the family, make it look like an accident." Baekhyun wondered how he live like this since birth with cruel people, who call themselves his parents.

"But I would." Baekhyun walked to the door, as his father yelled to him.

"You step out this room, you are death to us. We will have no son!" Baekhyun turned to his parents, giving them a serious look.

"You were never my parents to begin with." He opened the door, revealing the police. His parents were in shock, as Baekhyun looked at the lead officer. "You got everything?"

"Everything and anything," the officer said, as his parents were arrested. Baekhyun pulled out the wire he was wearing and smiled at his parents. "Well Mr. and Mrs. Byun, I will see you at court and it will be the last time you see me as your son. I'm disowning you two." With that Baekhyun ran out of the house to try to save Momo coming being hit.
"Mr. Byun," the doctor called him, as he looked up. He saw the doctor coming in, as he stood up. "Me. Hirai is doing fine. The bullet didn't go deep in her body, so she is expect to make a full recovery. She needs plenty of rest and not to move too much to reopen the wound." Baekhyun sighed in relieve. "Please follow me and I will take you to her room."

The doctor took Baekhyun to Momo's room, as she was awake. Baekhyun went inside the room and sat down on the chair next to her. He told her hand into his, giving her a smile. "Hey love bug."

"Hey," she replied in a soft voice. "How are you holding up?" Always worry about others before herself, that is one thing he loves about her.

"I'm good. I'm more concern for you." He looked to see her stomach was bandaged good. "You gave me a fright."

"I'm sorry I didn't..." she began and stopped. "I didn't think your parents know..."

"Me either, but you won't have to worry about them. They are in jail and will pay for everything they have done," he told her, moving his hand to stroke her cheek. She leaned into it and he smiled. "Once this is all over, we can restart our lives. We can go whatever you want to go. Paris, London, Rome, the US, we will go."

"But I do like Seoul..." Baekhyun smiles at her, "...But I always want to go to Hawaii."

"Then we go, just us with no worries in the world."
-Months Later-
Momo held Baekhyun hand tight, as they were waiting for the final verdict of the trial. Momo did have to testify since she was shot. Looking at his parents was frightening, but she overcame it. His parents didn't look so powerful like they did before, just empty shelves of themselves. Baekhyun has testify against them, as well as other members of the family and former friends against their judgement. Even the people who had done hits for them turned against them in court to save their own skins. Momo was too busy in her own thoughts about all of this, she almost missed what the judge said.

"...guilty..." Baekhyun looked at Momo and pulled her into a hug. Justice was serve for all the victims, including her. "You two are sentenced to life without parole. You will rot in prison for the rest of your natural life. Some of the victims cannot come back, as others will finally get the chance to heal from this. Court is dismissed." The judge hit his hammer on the table, as everything is now over. Baekhyun's parts stood up with their handcuffs and stared at them. Momo kept her eyes on their intertwine hands, as Baekhyun stared at them cold.

"Son..." began his mother, as Baekhyun shook his head at her. "Please son..." Baekhyun let go of Momo's hand and stood up. He walked over but stopped in front of the gate.

"I'm not your son anymore," he told his parents, loud and clear. "You lost your son a long time ago when money and power was the only thing you love. Now you lost everything, doesn't change my feeling towards you. Do not contact me or my wife ever. She is the only family I have and will need. Good luck in prison." With that, he turn away from them to go back to Momo. His mother cried out for him, as his father was silent. They were taken away, as Momo stood up from her seat. Baekhyun pulled her in his arms and kissed her forehead.

"Come on love bug, we have a future to look forward to," he said, as Momo nodded. Everything is done and over, so they can live their life in peace. "We have a plane to catch if we want to get to Hawaii before dark."

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