Shots *H.MM x Seventeen* Part 2

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* will be seeing something red once again. Thank you.
Momo: excuse me!*

Seventeen was filming "Going Seventeen" today and the theme was "Let's Go! Seventeen." They we're going through an obstacle course, though it was bouncy still was going to be tough.

"We have a special guest, who will be joining us today to make the teams even," said the PD. The members looked confused, as the door opened from the side.

"Hi everyone," Momo said, all cheery, walking towards the group. They were all frozen at the sight of Momo. "I'm so glad to be a part of this." She stood next to Woozi, who was the MC for the event. "Switch team am I on?"

"Team Joshua," Woozi said, pointed to the team. Seungcheol, Wonwoo, Vernon and Dino were hiding their face from her. Yeah...majority of the members are still getting over the time they drunk calls and texts her during their "famous" episode. Momo clapped in joy, as DK stepped up.

"How about we trade a member to go with them and Momo can join our team?" He suggested, "I don't..." Jeonghan tripped him, as he started to walk, letting DK hit the ground. Jeonghan's cheeks were red of embarrassment, as Jun his his face into Minghao's shoulder. Mingyu and Hoshi was looking everywhere but at Momo.

"Oh!" Momo exclaimed. "You guys still upset about that. Maybe this isn't a good time then for me..." Now all of them were feeling bad. They don't like Momo hurt at all. In their back of their mind, they can see Chaeyoung and Sana giving them the evil eye with a whip in hand, ready to strike them for making her sad.

"No, no, no," Joshua stepped up, trying to change the mood. "We are all surprise you are on the show. We had no clue you were coming and we are all happy. Really we are, right?" He eyed everyone, as they cheered, clapped, and praised Momo for being here. "Just took us a moment to process that's all." Momo smiled at Joshua, making everyone's hearts beat fast.

"Okay! I'm excited to run this! Let me change sweaters and I will be back to join you all." She grabbed the sweater from the PD and ran to the nearest bathroom to change.

"Okay everyone, we have a chance to redeem ourselves," Seungcheol told everyone. "We are going to be normal around Momo. We aren't drunk this time around." Everyone nodded. "Just don't bring up anything from that night to her period."

"Oh yes, we won't mention you wanted her to be the mother to your adopted penguin," joked Dino.

"At least I was crying to her to come and rub my tummy!"

"Nope, Mingyu did a good job crying all night for her." Mingyu pounced on Dino, as he was struggling to get away.

"At least I don't have my phone to take pictures of myself," said Jun, remembering the nude he send. "Yet she never rate my picture."

"I just wanted her to play with me, unlike Wonwoo..." began Hoshi, as Wonwoo got him into a headlock.

"We are never to talk about that ever again!" Soon most of them were fighting, while Woozi, Joshua, DK, Seungkwan, and Minghao were watching from the side.

"I'm so happy I was sleeping when all that happen," Joshua muttered, as Woozi sighed in relief agreeing.

"Pick a member to go head to head with each other," Woozi said, as everyone was standing in the stands. Joshua watched to see the other team picked Hoshi, as he turned to look at Momo.

"You game to take on the tiger," he asked her, as she smiled and nodded.

"I'm going to put him in his cage." Momo went down the stairs, as Minghao stared at Joshua.

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