My Love Is Like...Wo *H.MM x J.WW*

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Can you bring some Belvedere. So we can pop the cork and cheers - Mya- My Love Is Like...Wo

Wonwoo felt someone poking his cheek, as he was trying to sleep. He grunted a bit, as he heard a giggle. Wonwoo know that giggle anywhere. He opened his eyes to see his nine month old, Jeongin, laying on his chest and poking his cheek. Wonwoo smiled, as he sat up, carefully holding Jeongin in his arms.

"How is my little man doing?" He asked him, as Jeongin giggled. He gave him a kiss on the cheek, as his wife, Momo came into the room with a tray of his favorite breakfast meals.

"Good morning, honey and happy birthday," she told him, as set the tray on the end table. She gave Wonwoo a quick kiss on the lips and took Jeongin in her arms. "Your members are coming over for a birthday dinner," she told him, as Wonwoo got the tray and set it on his lap.

"I really want to spend it alone with just my family," he said, as she looked at him.

"You know they are your family as well. Plus they are bringing your gifts and the cake." Jeongin tried to reach for his food. "No Jeongin, you already ate." Jeongin whined a bit, as Momo just giggled at him. "You are a little piggy like your father."

"He loves your food, love. Since he is now eating solid, he can't get enough of your cooking. Isn't that right, my little fox?" Jeongin made a sound of joy, as both his parents laughed.

"He is happy to get to celebrate his appa's birthday for the first time." Wonwoo smiled, as he was happy to have his love and little fox there for his birthday. When Momo was pregnant with him, she had a rough pregnancy and there was some moments she was ill. Thank god, she had a good labor to give birth to Jeongin. He would have a breakdown if anything else happen to her.

Wonwoo are the delicious breakfast and giving Jeongin a bit of eggs to eat. Soon he was done eating, he put the tray aside and took Jeongin in his arms. Momo grabbed the tray and watched her two men in her life snuggling each other. Momo had a smile on her face, while Jeongin patted Wonwoo's cheek and giggle.

"Appa loves you so much, my little fox," he told his son, kissing his cheek. Jeongin let out a sound of joy, filling his heart. Wonwoo looked over at Momo and smile at her. "I love you too my love."
The boys came early to decorate the living room just a bit for Wonwoo's birthday. Just a simple streamers and balloons, as Wonwoo didn't want too much. He really just wanted to just lounged around with his little family, but nope the members of Seventeen isn't going to allow that on his birthday.

"So, why am I hanging up my balloons for my birthday party?" Wonwoo asked Vernon, who was playing with Jeongin in the floor.

"I can't stand on a chair with this boot on my leg," he said. Vernon got a fracture on his ankle, thus wearing a boot. "Jeonghan would have a heart attack if he saw me do that, isn't that right, Jeongin?" Jeongin let out a sound of agreement. "See?"

"Okay Wonwoo, sir on the couch and relax, I got this," Mingyu said, taking over for him. Wonwoo sat down, as Momo came in with a glass of water in her hand to give to him.

"Once DK and Jun come back with the cakes, we can get started," she told him, kissing him on the cheek.

"The sooner, the better. This is cutting in on my family time," he whined, as Momo just shook her head. A few minutes later, DK and Jun came with cakes. Jeongin clapped his hands for his uncles, striking a pose with the boxed cakes.

"See your son appreciate us," DK said, setting the cakes on the table.

"Only because you guys let him ride your back like a horse," Wonwoo said. "Dino stop letting him when he started to bite."

"I still have his teeth marks on the back of my neck," Dino stated.

Everyone had a good dinner cooked by Momo and Mingyu. The boys kept feeding Jeongin, who happily took their food. Wonwoo warmed them to not overfed him or he is going to have a nasty blowout tonight. He will force them to come back and change that diaper.

"Jun, can you get the birthday cake," Momo asked him, as Jun nodded. He went to the two boxed cakes on the table and looked at them.

"They didn't mark which was which," he said, looking at each box. He was about to check the box, as Woozi yelled at him.

"Hurry the hell up! We want dessert!" Jun grabbed the cake on the right and got the cake out. He wasn't paying attention to which cake it was, as he put the candles on and lit them.

"Ready!" Momo turned off the lights, as Jun came in with the cake. Everyone was singing happy birthday to Wonwoo, as Jeongin tried in his baby talk. Wonwoo blew out the candles, after making his wish. When the lights came on, he looked down at his birthday cake. His eyes open widely, as he read the words on his cake.

"I'm pregnant!"

"What?" Everyone looked at the cake, as Momo gasped.

"Jun, you grabbed the wrong cake!" She told him, as she smack his arm.

"Hey, I was in a rush! If I had some more time, he would have got his birthday cake, not the surprise one!" Jun defended himself, looking over at Woozi. "It's your fault for rushing me."

"You should have the boxes marked in the first place," countered Woozi. "Now the surprise is ruined!" Wonwoo looked over to Momo, as she sat next to him.

"Is this true?" He asked her, "You're pregnant again?!" Momo nodded, as Wonwoo was so happy. He pulled Momo into a hug and kissed her face a few times. "We are having another baby! I'm so happy! I love you!"

"I love you too, honey. Can't wait for another bundle of joy in our life." Jeongin, moving in Seungcheol's arms reach out to his parents.

"Appa!" Everyone turned to look at Jeongin, smiling and reaching for Wonwoo. "Appa! Appa!"

"His first word..." Momo said, as they were all stunned.

"Appa!" He whined, making Wonwoo snapped out of his state of shock. He quickly got Jeongin, as Jeongin smiled at him.

"Appa!" He snuggled to Wonwoo, as his heart just exploded. He is going to be a dad again and now he was his son's first word. This is the barest birthday ever. He kissed his son's head and pulled in Momo for a hug.

"Best birthday ever..." he whispered to her. Momo smiled, as everyone was cheering.

"So am I forgive for the wrong cake?" Jun asked
Happy birthday, Wonwoo!
Wonwoo: thank you!

Next part is the one and only Kai!

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Bye sweetie sweetie

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