Clara Oswald

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A/N : Following Clara's multiple near death experiences on Gallifrey, you and Clara agree that it's in her best interests to return to earth

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A/N : Following Clara's multiple near death experiences on Gallifrey, you and Clara agree that it's in her best interests to return to earth. 

"Let's get you home before something else prevents me from doing so" you pulled one of the levers inside the Tardis.

"It could be fate telling you to let me time travel with you forever" Clara suggests.

"We agreed Clara. It's in your best interests that you go home and have a normal time lord free life" You walked over to one of the Tardis's devices.

You set the Tardis for the precise time that you had originally allowed Clara to journey with you.

"Your right, as per usual. Being a time lord is one of the most dangerous jobs in all of space and time" Clara could feel the Tardis slowly starting to materialise.

"Here we are. Home sweet home" you opened the Tardis door for her.

"Thank you" Clara exited the Tardis before turning to face you.

"For what ? I'm the reason you almost died back on Gallifrey" you raise an eyebrow at her.

"Thank you for making me feel special ... You made me feel loved Y/N, although I probably won't see you ever again. You'll be too busy having adventures to think about your old companion" Clara elaborated.

"I couldn't forget even the most painful memories that I share with you Clara. I love you Clara Oswald ... and if you really think about it we've got the daleks to thank for our relationship. They are the ones that kidnapped you and drew me out of hiding" you smiled at her.

"I love you too Y/N. Thank you for making me feel like I belonged somewhere, for giving me someone to call my home" Clara smiles at you.

"You call me if anything ever goes wrong on this planet. Or my number could simply be used as a free pass to see me again" you joked.

"Keep me up to date with all of your journeys throughout space and time" Clara turns to walk away from you.

"I will and Clara ..." you called out to her before she could start walking away.

"Yes ?" Clara turned back around so that she was facing you.

"Thank you for making me the happiest time lord in the universe" you opened the Tardis door.

"That's the only way I could return the favour of you making me the happiest women to have inhabited earth" Clara began to walk away from you.

You entered the Tardis and closed the door behind you.

"Where to next ?" The Doctor came out of the utility room.

"We have a vast amount of space and time to explore and we have eternity to discover everything about the universe. So Doctor, you can choose our next adventure" you gestured to the console of your shared Tardis.

"I heard about some cybermen being activated on Agora" The Doctor suggests.

"Sounds like a good place to start" you agree, setting the Tardis to 2191 Agora.

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