Chapter 23 Mental Influence

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Walking around in the space of the end of the world


set up

turn off the lights




Chapter 23 Mental Influence

    Tang Jun gritted his teeth, and hurried to Chen Fei's side, because he was so flustered that he even fell down.

    Chen Fei is not a weak woman either. She beat a zombie to death with an iron rod, looked at Tang Jun and asked, "What's wrong?"

    "A lot of zombies." In the middle, zip up and put it on the back, "Hurry up."

    "Okay." Chen Fei protected the child with one hand and held the iron bar in the other, and ran with Tang Jun. You must know that Tang Jun was originally a speed and strength superpower. Regardless of physical strength, he dragged Chen Fei to run with an ax in one hand and Fei Chen couldn't keep up with Tang Jun's speed at all.

    And the zombies are not only coming from the direction that Tang Jun just saw, the zombies in all directions are moving in this direction, because the children kept crying, they didn't even have a place to hide, and even the crying attracted a lot of people. zombies.

    When they ran to the road, Tang Jun and Chen Fei were almost surrounded by zombies. Tang Jun kept waving the ax in his hand, and Chen Fei tried her best to protect the child, but it was too late. There were more and more zombies. Tang Jun gritted his teeth and chopped off the head of a zombie, angrily said, "Throw away the child."

    "No." Chen Fei refused without even thinking about it. This was her baby's first fetal movement and first cry. At that time, the little red child became white, tender and beautiful in her arms. If it wasn't for Because she has no milk, the child will not be like this.

    "Or we all have to die here." Tang Jun's tone was filled with impatience, he lowered his head to avoid a zombie, quickly moved behind the zombie, and severely smashed the back of the zombie's head with the axe.

    "Impossible." Chen Fei was almost exhausted, and she also knew the current situation. It was impossible for the three of them to escape, "You take the child and run." Letting the child and her husband live, Chen Fei is willing to die here.

    "It's impossible to run away with a child." Tang Jun said angrily. Even a person with supernatural powers has limited physical strength, and Tang Jun hasn't had a good rest or eaten for a long time. At this time, he is already panting heavily. "This child can't survive, leave the child behind, and I'll take you away."

    "This is our child." Chen Feiquan was holding on with a wave of thoughts. She didn't even move anymore, only feeling that the iron rod in her hand was getting heavier and heavier, "Are you cruel to use him to attract zombies? I'll stay, you take Let the child go."

    Tang Jun's eyes were red, "Are you really not giving up on the child?"

    "No." Chen Fei replied without hesitation, subconsciously protecting the child from the zombie's blood splashing on the child's head.

    Tang Jun bit his lower lip, and finally became ruthless. He quickly swung the ax in his hand, no longer caring about his wife and daughter behind him. Running in a promising direction, he is also reluctant to part with his wife and children, but he is even more unwilling to lose his life. He has done everything he can, and if there is any hope, he does not want to give up on them.

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