Corpse Tide Riot

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Eight o'clock in the evening.

When night fell, today's full moon was extremely bright. People could see the scene a few meters away without turning on the lights. The flies buzzed on the iron net and turned into ashes. The night shrouded the distance. The sand and stone were wrapped in the fishy wind, and the wind and rain were about to come.

Seeing this scene, Qu Boxue was shocked.

Prediction has always been mysterious. Even in the end of the world, it was too strange. Even before today, Qu Boxue had always had some doubts about this prediction dream, but now... Qu Boxue looked up at the abnormal moonlight and suddenly remembered that Tang Tang muttered painfully in his half-dream.

"The moonlight made the zombies riot..."

"They evolved into kings and have the habit of social animals..."

"Base, living people, smell, evolution... They need a lot of flesh and blood!"

Qu Boxue suddenly came to his senses and broke out in a cold sweat. After the teenager left, he lit a cigarette and thought about it all night. He still evolved the zombies into thinking and informed other bases that he was about to besiege the safe area.

But... Alas, Qu Boxue sighed. Some bases are better to believe and not to prepare, but there are always one or two people who don't believe what he said at all.

Between the flying sand and stones, a large amount of dust was blown up by the wind, and the strong smell of corruption became heavier and heavier, making people sure that a large number of zombies were approaching, but what was creepy was that they did not hear any howling at all!

The superpowers held their own crystal cores. A row of people fell on the high platform. The machine gun frame was good. Ordinary people were ready to transport bullets. They sweated nervously, and everyone tightened the string in their minds.

Where the night was blocked, the dense figures became clearer and clearer. Qu Boxue's pupils shrank and scolded his mother in his heart.

Damn, why are there so many!

"Roar!!" The roar of the monster finally broke out, and everyone's tight strings snapped. The superpowers did not need to command. They used their own superpowers, which made people dazzled. Compared with Hollywood special effects, they blew up the night.

The tide of corpses roared and rushed up. Qu Boxue pressed his hand on the ground, and the earth power turned into sand, making a large number of zombies who were not close to the wall lose their mobility, and then shouted: "Machine gun shooting!!"

Sparks exploded on the high platform, shuttles of bullets harvested the lives of a large number of zombies, and the sound of gunfire roared. The dense living dead smelled fresh flesh and blood and climbed along the outer barbed wire like crazy. Countless sparks of the high-voltage power grid burst out, and the charred corpse fell out layer by layer. There are too many climbs, and the power grid is seriously overloaded and stops operating. Seeing that the living dead are about to climb into the safety zone!

The dark green Tengman rose to the sky and pulled the zombies down fiercely. The roar of the living dead hanging in the air stopped abruptly. A rotten corpse slammed on the ground, and their semi-rotten heads suddenly broke a huge hole, and the crystal nucleus flew away.

Shen Yun's eyes darkened and he shouted low: "Slow down..."

The invisible fluctuation slowed the speed of a large number of zombies, and in a blink of an eye, he was harvested by other powers. Shen Yun's eyes were dark, and the spiritual power was running at a high speed, which was extremely energy-consuming. He could only control Teng Man to absorb it and release it out non-stop.

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