Field / and Huo Dong video was attacked by the second attack on Ssangyong

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Tang Tang was forced to raise his head, looking at Shen Lanfeng with rapid breathing, his dark eyes seemed to be forced out a little bit of water, which was extremely attractive.

Shen Lanfeng still didn't let go of the hand pinching Tang Tang's jaw, he lowered his head, kissed the delicate lip flap gently, and counted Tang Tang's charges in a dumb voice: "Don't reply to the message, go out on a date with a man, water-based poplar, you should be punished." "

He said as he ripped off Tang Tang's jeans. Don't go to work today, Tang Tezhu didn't wear work clothes, but a set of refreshing and energetic white half-sleeves with slim jeans, which also facilitated Shen Lanfeng's movements, he pressed the struggling Tang Tang, and ripped off his pants in a few clicks.

The whining and struggling sound of the rear seat continued, and the scenery outside slowly flashed through the window, and no one noticed that in this driving luxury car, the young man's clothes were gradually taken off, and finally only a half-amputed sleeve and white socks on his feet were left.

The luxury car sped along the road, and soon turned into a remote road, and the bustling city gradually retreated, far away from the city center, which was not the direction of the Belém laboratory.

Lin Qingji drove the car unhurriedly, as if he was going to some wilderness to find a place where no one was there to punish the disobedient bad boys.

Eventually, the black luxury car stopped beside a dirt road, next to two large green corn fields that were about to ripen, with long green leaves and golden ears hanging from the fruits.

The black luxury car shook left and right, the doors on both sides opened at the same time, Lin Qingji got out of the cab, and behind, Shen Lanfeng also got out of the car with Tang Tang, who was half naked.

Tang Tang, who was full of panic, was put on the front cover of the car by Shen Lanfeng, his two long and straight legs were swayed by the sun, and his voice trembled and begged for mercy: "Don't ...... Don't ...... here."

In broad daylight, there may be people on this path at any time, Tang Tang panicked, looking back and forth, for fear that someone would suddenly pass by at this time.

The two beast-like men had already begun to untie their belts, Shen Lanfeng ripped off his belt, the side of his lips was slightly hooked, and it was difficult for people to see that he was angry with a smile that was not smiling.

Lin Qingji heard Tang Tang's panicked begging for mercy, and raised his head and comforted gently: "Don't be afraid, no one will find out." "

They made it clear that they wanted to go out in the wilderness once, no matter how Tang Tang refused, it was useless, Lin Qingji saw that he was scared and tense, so he held his face and gently kissed the white lip flap, the gentle bite was not heavy, but it was very able to immerse people in this tenderness.

The man kissed him on the lips, and his slender hand also stroked the small cock in front of him. The fingertips of the thumb scraped the glans, the palm of the palm stroked the column, the little guy slowly stood up comfortably in his palm, spitting happily, the tip of his tongue hooked the soft tongue, and the faint sandalwood on his body poured into Tang Tang's nasal cavity, which seemed to linger like a light breeze and drizzle to make his brain lack oxygen.

Lin Qingji's warm eyes reflected Tang Tang's confused and misty eyes, he straightened his waist slightly, and rubbed his hungry little asshole back and forth with his plump big glans.

The flesh hole of the ecstasy has been cultivated in the past two days, and it has long been restored as before, and the mucus flowing from the big glans is slippery and slippery to poke the anal opening, stuffed in and pulled out, making the little asshole make a "pop" lewd sound, and the turbulent sausage meat that has tasted the taste of this cock is also squirming vigorously, secreting abundant lewd fluid.

Stealing the Protagonist Gongs Away in a Shou-Centered World to Have Gang S*x 1Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang