Morality kidnaps your dad

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The next day.

The scorching sun exudes endless heat, and the ground is hot by the sun, as if it can fry eggs, and the hot people are upset and irritable.

Under the scorching sun, the special forces were wearing combat uniforms and helmets, raising their guns in standard postures, aiming at the moving targets in the distance, and the swarthy muzzles were still hanging with ropes and bricks.

They are all official members of the Jiang Criminal Army, I don't know how many times they have done this kind of exposure antibody training, and their bodies have gradually become accustomed to it, although they will still sweat their clothes and feel uncomfortable, but they will not lose their combat ability due to heat stroke due to high temperatures, and even have time to chat quietly.

Lao Yan looked at the captain who was sitting on the chair watching their training, took a breath with a toothache, and muttered to the soldier next to him: "Hey Chen Liang, do you see the injuries on the captain's arms and mouth?"

The mighty soldier next to him also secretly glanced over and lowered his voice: "I'm not blind again! You see I said that the captain has someone, it's ...... Even our sister-in-law is also fierce, look at this for the captain to bite. "

Lao Yan sighed: "I didn't expect it...... Our sister-in-law is still a tigress. "

"What are you two talking about?"

Jiang Xing crossed Erlang's legs, played with the timer in his hand, and didn't know when he raised his eyelids and looked at them, and asked faintly.

Lao Yan and Chen Liang, who were secretly gossiping, were frightened by these words, and hurriedly put down the board of the gun station, and the two looked at each other.

Finally, Chen Liang cleared his throat and reported: "Report to the captain, Lao Yan and I are ......" His eyes drifted to the wound at the corner of Jiang Xing's mouth, and he swished: "Where did the injury on the research captain's mouth come from." "

Hearing Chen Liang's words, the other soldiers also looked at them as if they were not looking, obviously they were all very curious about this question, and they didn't dare to ask.

Hearing this, Jiang Xing swept over these soldiers who were eavesdropping with their ears, and suddenly laughed, and the Jiang instructor who was wearing a military uniform in the sun still had a wound on the corner of his mouth, and he had a bad handsomeness when he laughed: "Curious?"

Chen Liang nodded like pounding garlic.

Jiang Xing slightly hooked his lips with small wounds, and his back, which had been scratched with several blood marks, leaned back against the back of the seat, as if reminiscing about something beautiful: "My little lion bitten." "


Greetings flashed in the heads of all the soldiers present, thinking to themselves what a chic nickname the little lion is, is it impossible to use the tigress to describe their sister-in-law now?

Without waiting for them to figure it out, they watched Captain Jiang, who was smiling in front of him, slowly restrain his smile and glanced at them ruthlessly: "It's all gossip?

Now everyone didn't dare to gossip, Lao Yan and Chen Liang also went to raise their guns, the muzzle of the black hole was aimed at the target, and sweat slipped down their foreheads.



On the other side, the command.

This lethal lion cub had just drunk the antipyretic medicine, and his head was shrunk in the quilt and coughing, his sullen voice and his face were red.

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