The lonely man has a home

875 15 3

The light was dim, Tang Tang shrank in the sofa, he was sleeping soundly in a daze, maybe he had consumed too much physical strength, and there was no Zhou Gong in his dream after falling asleep, but all kinds of legged delicacies were running around, he chased and chased, but he couldn't catch up, and finally he was tired and hungry, and woke up directly.

The hazy warm light quietly illuminated the surroundings, Tang Tang opened his eyes angrily, and his confusion passed, his vision gradually cleared, and there was no one in the place where he could reach, quiet...... It's so quiet everywhere that it feels like there's an empty piece in your heart.

Affected by the empathy of the character, Tang Tang was a little confused, he shrank on the sofa in a daze, his stomach kept screaming for hunger, but he really didn't want to move, arched into the sushi roll, and continued to wander in the sky.

Swimming, a faint fragrance poured into his nose, and it seemed that some sounds came from the kitchen, Tang Tang came back to his senses slightly, and his originally lost mood suddenly flashed with a hint of joy.

The snow melted in the harsh winter, and the spring sun lazily basked on the lonely traveler.

He struggled out of the sushi roll, haphazardly put on the clothes next to him, and walked barefoot to the kitchen, as if he was walking towards an oasis, and like running towards spring.

Tang Tang went to study in a foreign country alone when he was a teenager, the language barrier, the environment was different, no one knew how panicked he would be when he woke up from a nightmare alone and faced the silence of the house, but such loneliness and uneasiness accompanied him almost throughout his youth.

But now, he woke up from his nightmare and suddenly smelled the smell wafting from the kitchen, the low, low sound of talking, and the gentle sound of chopping vegetables, announcing that someone was preparing dinner for him.

Tang Tang walked to the kitchen, his heart was beating like a drum, his eyes were slightly hot, he pushed open the kitchen door a little, and the bright white light inside overflowed, and he looked through the gap.

In the spacious kitchen of the Huo family, three men in home clothes and slippers stood in front of the gas stove, a pot bubbling, and a very fragrant smell overflowed from it.

Tang Tang blinked, and then he saw that the person who cut vegetables in the middle was Shen Lanfeng himself, and he suddenly felt a little incredible, after all, Shen Gongzi usually wandered in the wind like a butterfly, and he didn't feel like a housewife who could use a spatula.

They were whispering, and Tang Tang leaned his ears closer and listened carefully.

Shen Lanfeng lowered his eyes, handled the bamboo shoots and carrots, and explained in a low voice: "Remember, the bamboo shoots and carrots should be blanched in hot water." He said as he poured the cut vegetables into the pot.

Huo Ting, who was on the left, looked very seriously, and asked seriously, "How long does it take to blanch?"

Shen Lanfeng: "Three minutes." "

He put the processed shrimp in a bowl and marinated, and said, "Put the right amount of salt, chicken essence, sugar, and ......."

Lin Qingji on the right interrupted him: "How many grams is the right amount?"

Shen Lanfeng "......"

He opened his mouth, racking his brains, but he couldn't figure out how many grams it was.

Lin Qingji didn't panic, he closed the notebook, took out a light and small gram scale that is usually used to measure jewelry from the side, put it in front of Shen Lanfeng's eyes, and motioned him to measure it.

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