Mr. S splattered white pulp and stained all his people

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Another bar in Xicheng, as soon as Tang Tang entered, he received great attention from everyone.

Mr. Tang changed into a pair of silver wire glasses with chains, and the collar of his black shirt was open, revealing a large white and delicate collarbone and chest.

The legs, the thin waist, and the demagogic face all made the people who looked at him inhale secretly, Tang Tang was obviously very used to these sights, he didn't hesitate at all, walked to the bar elegantly, lightly buttoned the counter of the bar, and ordered a glass of wine with a smile.

His posture is lazy, although he has a smile on the side of his lips, but he is very careless, which makes people understand at a glance that this is a complete wanderer, and he loves to play with people's hearts.

Although Tang Tang has not been back to China for a long time, he is very famous in the gay circle of Xicheng, and the number of 1 or 0 who want to have a shot with him is uncountable, but ...... This master usually plays in the newly opened bar in Xicheng, although I don't know why he suddenly changed places this time, but this is for the people in this bar who want to make friends with him...... It was an unexpected surprise.

No, as soon as he sat down at the bar, before the others could act, a delicate-looking little boy sat next to him with a quick eye, "whoosh", and the neat skills were about to catch up with the speed of the uncles and aunts going to the supermarket to buy discounted dishes.

"......" The others stood up, and now they could only sit back in silence and give the brother/sister a thumbs up.

Young man, what a skill!

Shaoxia himself sat on the high stool of the bar with a red face, turned around and said something to Tang Tang.

Hearing someone talking, the man at the bar tilted his head slightly, and his amber eyes behind the lenses were sprinkled with the tenderness of not wanting money, as for why he didn't find an attack on the conversation himself?

Tsk, forget it, he's just bored to come out to play, not to mention that if he wants to be, how good would it be to go back and hook up with those little brutes?


The waiter at the bar at the door opened the door, and He Wen and his party entered with a cold face, and at just one glance, they found the demon who was flirting with others in front of the bar.

Tang Tang didn't know anything about the arrival of the three little beasts, and he was still biting his ears with others, and he didn't know what to say.

Until suddenly a hand moved his chin from behind, making him forced to raise his head, and those moist eyes saw the long-haired beauty with a cold face through the lenses.

Ye Huaixun," Tang Tang frowned, laughing in his heart that the protagonist's vinegar was really strong, but on the surface, he still fit the character design, and lazily hooked him with his eyes: "Yo, you guys are also coming to play?"

Ye Huaixun's face instantly turned colder, and he said slowly: "Brother, are you having fun?"

The bar has always been full of people, there are everyone, although it is impossible to say that there are not a few teachers in it, but Ye Huaixun still carefully changed his title, his tone is cold, the bite of this sentence "brother" is very light, with a lingering meaning, and Mr. Tang's heart is itchy when he listens.

Tang Tang just looked up at Ye Huaixun, those amber eyes smiled, he suddenly stretched out his hand and held the back of Ye Huaixun's head and pressed it down, Ye Huaixun didn't struggle, and kissed his lips that were stained with wine and had a faint smell of wine along Tang Tang's head according to the strength of his head.

Stealing the Protagonist Gongs Away in a Shou-Centered World to Have Gang S*x 1حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن