❤️Mick Schumacher - Flirt Part 2

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You pushed your way through the door of Mick's apartment with a bag of shopping in your hand. You let out a long sigh as you spotted Mick absolutely out for the count on the sofa. He'd come back from a long trip and the jet lag had got tto him. You put the shopping away and cleaned up a bit and decided you wanted to some pizza instead so of course, you ordered some and waited patiently for the doorbell to ring. Mick's eyes fluttered open at the sound of his tv playing and smiled softly when he saw you. He nuzzled up closer to you and let out a content sigh before speaking. "How long have I been asleep?" he croaked. "About four hours butt I have pizza on the way so." Mick sat up properly and stretched a bit. "What about the groceries? Don't we have any?" he asked a bit confused. "Well now we do. I had to go get some. You know, I swear you'd starve without me here."

The doorbell rang, snapping both of you from your conversation. "Speaking of starving, I am starving and that is pizza." You said confidently. "Don't be too long. I want the pizza and you back here please." He said returning his focus to the tv. You opened up the door but didn't see a person holding a pizza or wearing a shirt from the pizza place. Instead, a woman just stood there in a fluffy coat with a bottle of proseca. "Who are you?" she asked, her German accent clear 8n her words. "Errm...Y/n, and you?" you asked politely. "Corinna Schumacher. This is Mick's apartment right?" Your eyes went wide. His mum. Oh fuck his mum. "Oh erm...yes...he's in here. Mick! You have a visitor!" Mick hopped up off the couch and jogged to the door to see who it was. He froze seeing his mum at the door.

"Mama? Was machst du hier?" (Mom? What are you doing here?) he asked. Mick didn't know you were learning German so you listened in silently. "Ich dachte, ich würde dich überraschen, aber du hast bereits eine Überraschung sortiert." (I came to surprise you but you already sorted out your own surprise.) his mother mused. "Wer ist das?" She asked referring to you. "Meine freund. Das ist-" Friend? Just his friend? "Dein Freund Lass mich von vorne anfangen, ich bin Y/n, seine freundin." (Your friend? Let me start over. I'm Y/n, his girlfriend.) you said shaking her hand. Mick was confused as to how you were speaking German but Corinna was happy to finally see her son's girlfriend. "Mick! Sie spricht auch deutsch! Du hast eine gute Entscheidung für dieses Mädchen getroffen." (Mick ! She speaks German! You made a good choice picking this one.) she said excitedly. Mick's cheeks went red just watching you and his mum interact. "Ich bin Corinna, seine mutter." she said giving you a huge hug. "Es ist schön dich zu treffen. Lass uns reingehen. Ich werde dir Tee Machen." (It's nice to meet you Let's go inside. I will make you tea.) you said allowing Corinna to walk into your apartment.
Mick leaned in the doorway, preventing you from going in. "What?" you asked.

"Seit wann sprichst du deutsch?" (since when did you learn German?) he grinned. "Ich habe mich gelangweilt und studiert, aber es macht mir nichts aus, wenn du mich unterrichtest." (I got bored and studied, but I don't mind if you teach me.) you replied. "Du klingst sowieso perfekt. Als nächstes müssen Sie Italienisch lernen." (You sound perfect anyway. Next, you need to learn Italian.) he said finally letting you in. "Und ich denke sie hat recht." (and I think she's right.) he began as he walked back with you.

"Ich habe mit meiner freundin eine gut Wahl getroffen." (I made a good choice with my girlfriend.)

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