❤️Lance Stroll - Unlikely

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"Yeah, it's no use mate. She's too stubborn." Max sighed walking back defeated to the table of his fellow drivers. They had gone to a club to celebrate Max's latest victory and saw a girl, seemingly the only girl not paying the slightest but if attention to them so of course, they just had to try and get a bit of that. They each took turns, thinking they would woo her in some way or another but no, not even a smile for them. "She can't resist the Lando Norris surely. He's got almost every girl running after him constantly." George joked. Lando stood up and grinned. "Watch and learn guys, watch and learn." and with that, he strutted over to the bar to strike up a conversation with this mystery girl.

While all this was happening, Lance walked into the bar with Esteban. "Where the hell are they?" Esteban asked. The pair looked around for where their friends would be and spotted them in a corner booth so off they went to go say hi. "Hey guys, what's going on-" Lance was cut off by the loud obnoxious and obviously drunk laugh of Max as Lando returned, drenched head to toe in some sort of liquid. "Oh we watched but we learned to not say whatever you said!" Max cackled as Lando came back. He was close enough to smell and it was obviously y some sort of cocktail by the smell. "Woah, what happened here?" Esteban asked upon seeing Lando. "Nothing, just spilled my drink." Lando replied sitting down. "Well I can go get you a new drink if you want. I'm going tto get mine now." Lance offered. A spark went off in the few drivers that were there beforehand. They were going to more than likely watch Lance get a drink thrown at him and of course since they were drunk, they found the idea funny. "Yeah Lance, cheers mate." Lance smiled and ventured towards the bar to go and get the drunks as he said he would. He had to wait a minute more than he would have liked to order but nonetheless, he waited.

"Hey can I get whatever the table over in the corner had the last time please?" The bartender nodded and went to work making the drinks. Lance stood fumbling with his card as he waited but was interrupted from his thoughts by the woman beside him groaning. "Are they serious right now?" she asked him. Lance furrowed his eyebrows and looked to her. "I'm sorry?" She stood up. "Oh my god! Will they ever just stop? I don't want to fuck any of you!" Lance was taken back by the sudden aggressive attitude being thrown at him. "Are you okay? What are you talking about?" Lance asked. "Did those guys send you over to hit on me too?" she asked furiously.

Lance shook his head. "I don't know why you think I'm here but I'm just trying to get some drinks for my friends over there." Lance pointed back to the drivers and saw them raising their glasses at the girl he was beside and that's when it hit him. Lando and the others had probably tried to get with whoever this girl was and that would explain Lando being wet. They sent him over in hopes that he would probably get a drink thrown at him like Lando did. "So they didn't send you over?" Lance shook his head. "I'm so, so sorry. You must be so confused." she sat back down and buried her head in her hands. "A little bit, not going to lie." Y/n smiled and sat beside him a while longer. "Long story short, they've been sending different members of their friend group over and each one has come with a shitty pick up line off of Google and the confidence of God." Lance laughed only being able to imagine that. "Well that's not why I'm here. I wouldn't have done it even if they asked me to." Y/n nodded. "I figured that actually." Lance furrowed his eyebrows and looked at her. "What does that mean?" he asked, pretending to be offended. "You were the first person I've heard apologise to me all night so far." she explained. "You must be the good guy in the friend group." Lance scoffed.

The trayg of drinks were placed in front of Lance and he handed his card over. "They're more just other drivers than friends, I think most of them hate me." Lance said taking a shot of tequila. "You don't seem like the type of guy to get a lot of hate honestly. You're very sweet." The girl stretched her hand out and smiled. "I'm Y/n." Lance took her hand and shook it. "Lance. So why are you here?" Hee asked, changing the subject. "I'm just here." Lance gave her a look. "That's not the truth. Come on, I've probably never heard of a worse reason tto be in a club by yourself." Y/n squinted her eyes. "Is that a challenge?" He took another shot of tequila and nodded. "Okay, I came to visit a friend at uni but turns out she was sleeping with my boyfriend the whole time. Try that." Lance spat his drink out and quickly wiped the counter down with his sleeve. "Oh my god, really? I genuinely haven't heard that one before."

"Told you." she said. "I'll remember to not to underestimate you again." Lance chuckled. "Shouldn't you be getting back to your friends?" Y/n asked. "Nah." Lance looked back and beckoned Esteban over. "I'm just gonna stick around here. I like it better." Y/n was about oto say something when Esteban popped up. "Take these back to the table. I won't be coming over there for a while." Esteban grinned at Lance and shot him a wink. "Get in there mate." she said quiet enough for only Lance to hear. "Oh shut up." Lance turned back to Y/n and smiled. "Now, where were we?" She shrugged her shoulders. "Oh yeah, I was about to buy you another drink. Now, tell me a bit more about yourself."

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