💔Charles Leclerc - Blame Game

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"You know, you can be so tiresome sometimes!" Charles shouted. Y/n folded her arms and sat down on a chair, existing while Charles yelled over and over again, I say existing because she wasn't even listening to the utter bullshit that he was saying. Nothing had been going to plan for him it seemed an for some reason, he kept taking everything out on her. "I just think you should be here for me! You should support me! Do you understand what I'm saying?" He paused awaiting an answer and sure enough he got one. "Are you done?" She asked. Charles filled with rage again. "Did you even listen?!" She shrugged her shoulders in response. "It's just boring and predictable what you're saying so I tend not to listen to these arguments anymore."

"Stop blaming me!" Charles yelled. "I'm blaming you?! Are you serious?! You've been shouting at me for the past ten fucking minutes!" You barked back. "Well it sounds like you're blaming me!" You laughed hysterically upon hearing his whack ass excuse. "If we are judging what we're saying on how we sound, then it sounds like everything going on is my fault." Charles gulped down. He knew that when you quietly complained about something, you were beyong angry and that you would more than likely lash out. "Tell me the exact quote that I blamed you, the exact quote Charles Marc Hervé Perceval Leclerc." She said his full name, he knew he was in deep shit now. "Y/n, let's just talk-"

"No! You just said I blamed you, I did not once blame you for shit! I don't have to be here, I could have walked away but I didn't because I'm still stupid enough to love you!" Her bottom lip trembled after she stopped shouting. She was on the verge of tears. "Y/n, I'm-"
"No Charles! I'm done! I'm finished this time!" She said standing up and grabbing her keys from the coffee table. "Mon coeur? Where- where are you going?" he asked following her like a lot puppy. "Don't you mon coeur me! You weren't sweet talking me a few minutes ago!" Charles grabbed her hand. "Don't go. Please don't go!" he pleaded. Y/n scoffed and snapped her hand back. "No Charles! I won't sit here an dplay the blame game, just grow the fuck up!" Charles was gobsmacked, absolutely lost for words. "So you're leaving? You're leaving me for good?" Y/n just stared at him.

"I'm not going to leave for good, God knows that but I'm going to ask you a question and I want an honest answer Charles. Who do you love more, me or that car?" Charles was stuck. He loved Y/n, he really did but that Ferrari was everything if not more than he'd ever wanted. "Y/n, I-" he paused, still battling with his head for an answer but the reluctant response was the only answer she needed. "Listen, I'll be back when you sort yourself out. I promise." she smiled. Charles just looked at her. He was losing her but they both knew that and that's where it was different. "I'll always be here to talk, I just won't be your girlfriend." She hesitantly placed a soft kiss onto his cheek and smiled. "But hopefully if we just figure things out, we can change that."

"You know I love you, right?" She nodded her head. "And I love you too. I'll see you around Charles." and with that, she left Charles in the apartment with a lot to think about. What led up to this? What was he going to do to fix it? All these things he needed to answer, but he of course had to answer them with time.

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