💔Lance Stroll - Be Alright

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You walked into Lance's apartment. The curtains were closed, the lights were off, there was stuff all over the floor and plates in the sink and in addition to all this, Lance was lying on the couch with clothes he'd been wearing for god knows how long. "Lance? Get off the couch, come on." Lance sighed and turned around so he could look at you. You switched on the light to get a better look at him. Your heart broke as you saw him. His cheeks were red and puffy from crying and his bottom lip was still trembling. "Oh Lance." you began. "That bad huh?" You looked at him full of pity. "Come on, let's get you cleaned up." You went to get him up and gott a whiff of his scent. Tequila. "Have you been drinking?" Lance nodded and pointed to the half drrank bottle of tequila. "Fuck. I can't leave you in the bath yourself then. You'll drown otherwise."

"Who are you? My mom?" he slurred. "No but she's worried so here I am. Come on." Lance walked with you, leaning on your shoulders for some support. "Careful on the stairs." Lance looked down and saw two steps. "What sense does that make?" he complained. "I got an apartment to not have...no to not walk....fuck it, no stairs, you understand right?" You smiled and nodded. "I keep telling you that Lancelot." you chuckled. "You're always right. The stairs, the girlfriend, no ex girlfriend." He looked down in shame. "I should have listened." He continued on. "No Lance, you'll be alright. That's how relationships work sometimes."

"She used me! Y/n, you warned me about her and I didn't listen! I never listen! That's my problem!" He began crying again. What were you meant to say now? "She told you this?" you asked. Lance nodded. "After I found her cheating." Your blood boiled in your body. What a bitch. "Actually Lance, go have a sleep first, then we'll have a wash yeah?" You said bringing him to his room instead. You tucked him in and waited until he fell asleep and smiled to yourself. "I'm gonna regret what I'm going to do." you muttered to yourself. You grabbed your keys and walked out to your car to drive to Lance's ex's house. Every second of the journey, you were thinking of the outcome. We're you going to talk to her? Going to hit her? What were you going to do? You snapped back into reality when you pressed the doorbell. You came to the conclusion that you were going to just talk, that way she couldn't go ratting and giving Lance a bad reputation. The girl opened the door and shot you a disgusted look. "What are you doing here?" she asked. "I just want to talk. I'm not here to pick a fight." She scoffed. "You only look for fights. That's why Lance and I broke up. Because of you." you bit down hard to prevent you from saying something you would regret. "All those tears, they're because of you." she continued with a smirk on her face. "And you're sure it's not over a skank like you?"

She gasped and pushed you up against the wall and clenched her fists which you realised. "You better make this a good hit because I have one waiting to come right back at you and believe me, I'll make it fucking count." Her clneched fist stayed back, ready to launch. "As I said, I'm not looking for a fight. I just want to say, if you even go near Lance again, I will tear you limb from limb." She laughed at your words. "Is that a threat?" she challenged. "No, it's a fucking promise so if you want to keep those pretty teeth still intact, you don't ever go near him again. Alright?" She gulped and nodded slowly." She let you go and backed up. "Good. Have a good life." you said walking back to the car. Surprisingly, that went better than expected. You drove back to Lance's and thankfully he was still asleep. You proceeded to clean his apartment, open the curtains and run him a bath. Itt was a long, tiring few hours beforree you were done but you smiled to yourself as you looked at the outcome. You decided it was time for Lance to have a bath so you went and got him some medicine and water in case he had a headache.

You walked into th room and set eyes upon the cosy Stroll in bed, smiling slightly. "Hey Lancelot? Cinnamon Stroll?" Lance stirred in his sleep and opened his eyes slowly. "You alright?" He rubbed his eyes and shook his head. "No, I have a headache." He croaked. "I have some medicine for you and there's a bath ready too whenever you're ready." You got up and walked back out to the kitchen to cook up something for him. You put on some music and sang along as you cooked. The food was in the oven so you decided to just dance or do something else to pass time.

You hadn't noticed Lance came out to the kitchen but he watched as you danced and sang around the kitchen island. He smiled and coughed grabbing your attention. "Howw long have you been there, you creep?" you joked. "Long enough to know you aren't over One Direction breaking up." He chuckled and walked forward. "I'll never get over that so jokes on you." The timer went off, meaning the food was done. You went and took it out of the oven and yelped as you felt a burn on your hand. "What's wrong?" Lance asked walking closer. "Just a burn. It's alright." Lance turned on the tap and placed your hand under the cold running water. "Keep it there." He said and scurried to his cupboard and took out some bandages and cream. "Here, show me your hand." Lance took your hand and put some cream on it, then bandaged it. "Now, you'll be alright." He said and placed a kiss on top of the bandage. "I made you some food by the way." you ttold him. Lance looked around and saw how much cleaner it seemed to be. "You've also cleaned up after me. How did you do it so quickly? Why did you do it?"

"You're my friend Lance, I'll do anything for my friend." Lance had a soft smile on his face. "What?" Lance shook his head. "Nothing. I just...thanks a lot." You were going to reply but then one of your favourite One Direction songs came on. Night Changes. You squealed excitedly as you heard the opening twinkling melody. "Here, dance with me." Lance said taking your hand and swaying along to the music. "This is a nice song, isn't it?" You nodded your head. "This is your favourite song isn't it?" You nodded again. "Well you've got a good taste in music." You looked up to him. "Lance, please stop talking. You're ruining the song."

You and Lance continued to sway along to the song and all those concealed feelings came flooding back. He wasn't just a friend, he wasn't even a best friend, he was more than that. He was almost like a soul mate. "Y/n?" You looked at him. "Do you think I'll ever find someone?" He asked. You swore you felt your heart break at that question. "You will. I'm sure of it." You said and walked away tto go dish out the food. "It's just I think-" He began but couldn't continue and thankfully you didn't hear him. Lance walked out to his balcony and leaned on the handlebars to look at the beautiful view and sunset. He looked down and sighed lightly.

"I think I've already found her."

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