🏎️Felipe Drugovich - Aftermath

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You sat yourself outside of the medical centre just waiting for your boyfriend Felipe to walk out. He had a horrific crash earlier and the amount of time he'd been spending for his medical exam was starting to concern you. He walked out all fine and dandy but the medical staff decided he needed a few tests run before he could go anywhere. Safety first I suppose. You really didn't want to think of thee crahs but it just kept flashing into your eyes in different parts.

"Is that Drugovich?!" Everyone held their breath as the car rolled over and over again, until finally it stopped. You were frozen from the shock. Was he okay? Was he responding? "Felipe? Are you okay?" The radio must have been broken because Felipe was speaking but only little parts were being brought back to the team, enough to know he was somewhat okay. "Jesus, that was a big crash." You muttered. "Thank god he's okay. At least he's talking." one of the communications officers remarked. You nodded in agreement and stood up to go and ask one of the race engineers if he was doing alright. "From what the medical crew have told us, he's fine. He just needs to go and complete some mandatory medical checks and he should be good to go." he explained. "Should be?" Maybe you were over thinking it a bit. "He'll be fine Y/n. We're sure of it." The engineers saw the shock taake over your face and gave an empathetic smile. "You can go wait for him in the medical centre if you want. We'll go there now."

She always hated when he crashed which is a given. As if someone would pray for someone they love to crash. A meember of the medical crew walked out with a bright smile on his face. "He's going to be okay, he was just a bit shaken up but just as a precaution, don't let him go to sleep for foir or five hours just to eliminate any further complications." You tensed up. "Further complications? What do you mean?" The doctor just chuckled. "He hasn't had any major concerns, just his neck wwas a bit sore but it's alright now. It's just a precaution to not let him go to sleep for a while." You nodded in understanding. "Okay. Thank you so much." The doctor turned to the engineer who began a conversation for what the hell happened for the car to crash. "You can go in by the way." You peeped your head in the door and knocked lightly. Felipe looked up from his racing boots and smiled. "Hey ba-" Hee was cut off by you practically jumping into his arms and engulfing him in a huge hug.

"Well that's a tight hug babe." Felipe chuckled hugging you back. "Are you okay?" You pulled away from the hug looking at him. "You just crashed and you're asking me if I'm okay?" He nodded. "You look stressed. I'm fine, look." You let out a shakey breath and nodded to show that you saw. "I know I just don't think I'll ever get used to the feeling of you crashing. It's always that feeling of 'shit, something happened. Somethincg might be wrong.' I just don't wanna lose you that's all." Felipe moved a strand of your hair off of your face. "You won't lose me don't worry. I won't ever let that happen, I couldn't leave you by yourself." His smile reassured you that he was right. He would be okay, it was just the aftermath of the crash that was driving you crazy.

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