❤️Yuki Tsunoda - Sim Racing

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Yuki sat on the sofa looking through data he received after his most recent car test for the Alpha Tauri while you sat beside him, trying to make sense of it. "Do you wanna go get some dinner?" you asked, breaking the silence. "I will, when I'm finished this. I promise." Yuki reassured you. You slumped down into your chair. What now? Yuki looked over to you, understanding that you were bored and tried to look for something to keep you occupied with. His eyes landed on the simulator and the idea popped into his mind. "Do you want to try the simulator? I haven't even tried it yet. I've only set it up." Your eyes lit up hearing the offer. "Really? Can I?" Yuki nodded his head and that is all the permission you needed. You squealed and scurried over to the beautiful simulator.

You sat down in the seat and set everything up so you could drive comfortably. "Okay. 1...2...3...4...5...and it's light out and away we-" You stalled. How did you stall on a virtual race? "Let's try that again." You mumbled. Yuki looked over andd chuckled before returning to his data. You continued on trying to keep driving but somehow kept failing. How was this so difficult? It looked a lot easier on TV. Yuki watched on as you failed over and over again, but still hopeful that you would do well. After the twentieth time or so, Yuki found it almost painful to watch. He chucked the data to the side and walked over to at least try and help. "You're doing it wrong." he said, catching your attention.

"What a marvellous deduction." you replied sarcastically. "Do you want some help?" he chuckled. "I don't need your-" before you could finish your sentence, you found your car flipping in the air, how you did it you don't know. "Okay maybe I need help." Yuki sat down beside you and talked you through everything, being patient as ever with you, even when you were making mistakes. He kept encouraging you to keep going even when you crashed out and didn't want to do it anymore. It took about a half an hour before you finished the second sector. Once you took in everything you needed and figured everything out to the best of you abilities, you decided you didn't need Yuki to hold you hand and talk you around everything. The race was a bit tough but you pulled through to get a new best of....

"P15. Oof. Better luck next time babe." Yuki said sympathetically. "What do you mean? I see this as a win? I just finished the lap!" you beamed. Yuki felt his heart explode with this overwhelming feeling of love and adoration triggered by your smile and enthusiasm. "You're adorable." he muttered. "You're one to talk! You're the shortest man on the grid!" you teased. "I'm pocket sized. It means I can go everywhere with you."

"Lucky for you, I don't mind you being everywhere with me, my little man child."

"I'm going to take that as an 'I love you' if I can."

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