🎶Mick Schumacher - Perfect

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Mick was at a family gathering. He was finding this so boring, everyone dressed up in suits, expensive things everywhere. It wasn't his style. He sighed as he stood at the back of the room looking around at everyone els elaughing and wished he was somewhere else. As if it was scripted, his phone went off in his pocket. He took and it out and saw that his friend Y/n has just texted him. He smiled at thve sight of her name as a warm feeling filled his chest. Love. He opened up the notification and scanned through the message. 'Doing anything?' she typed. Mick looked around and came to the conclusion that no, he wasn't. He replied and within seconds she text back. 'thought u had a family dinner?'

Mick decided to call her instead and she picked up the second his name flashed on the screen. "That bad huh?" she chuckled. Mick smiled. "Obviously. What do you have in mind?" he asked. "A surprise. Don't change, stay in your suit. I'll be there soon." and she hung up, leaving Mick slightly confused. He paced his drink on the table and walked out of the room unnoticed, or nearly at least. "Mick!" his mother called. "Where do you think you're going? We have a party going on." Mick quickly formed a lie and weren't with it. "I just need a breather. It's so packed in there." His mother knew he was lying and she knew who he was going out with. "Alright then. Tell Y/n I said hello dear." she said walking back in. "I will mama- wait." Mick's mother chuckled at how well she knew her son. "Be back before eleven." She said and closed the door.

Mick went and sat outside on the porch waiting for Y/n's car to pull up and eventually, it did. Y/n stopped the car right outside the door and let the window roll down. Mick peered in the window and looked at his friend wearing a velvet dress, looking beautiful might I add. "Wherree did you come from? The met gala?" He jokedd getting in. "Obviously. I was hanging out with Ariana Grande and then you ruined it by calling me." She replied making him chuckle. "My bad. Where are we off to now?" Y/n tapped the side of her nose. "Secret." Mick groaned. "You know I hate secrets." Y/n just smiled. "Should have thought about that when you decided to make me your friend." she said. "My best friend and I'm having second thoughts now." Y/n gasped and pretended to be hurt by his statement. "Ouch Mr Schumacher. Maybe I'll just let you stay in that boring family gathering then."

"No, no, no. Let's go to wherever this secret is." Y/n smirked and drove off down the avenue. Mick could barely keep his eyes of Y/n. He'd never seen her look this good before and that love he felt for her only grew. The journey was short enough but when Mick actually realised where they were, he was so confused. "Why are we at a supermarket?" he asked. "We're gone to buy some beer." She said opening her door. "What? Why?" Mick asked. "Stop with the questions! It's all part of the blan." Mick looked at her. "That ferrari masterblan joke is really getting annoying now." He said. Y/n just shrugged her shoulders and smiled innocently. "I think it's funny." Mick pinched the bridges of his nose and followed her into the supermarket. They got strange stares from the beginning sincd ttheey were dressed so extravagantly but Y/n didn't care, Mick on the other hand might have cared. "So why couldn't we have dressed normally?" He asked holding a pack of beer. "Where's the fun in that?" Mick nodded. That's true. "Fair enough. Shall we go pay now?" Y/n nodded and walked with him to the checkout.

"Going somewhere fancy?" the cashier asked scanning the beers. "Just came from somewhere fancy. Got so boring so we thought we'd sice things up." Y/n said referring to the beer. The chaser chuckled and told them their total. The pair payed and then leeftt tto go back to the car. "So now where are we going?" Mick asked. "Top secret." Mick knew where they were going now. Just outside where Mick lived was a huge tree on a hill and in that tree was a treehouse that Mick and Y/n built themselves when they were twelve. Their parents had to finish it but its okay. The cold bit and nipped at their skin, more at Y/n than Mick since she was wearing a dress. Mick noticed this and took his jacket off to put over her shoulders. "Here. You're freezing." He said throwing the piece of clothing over her. "Thanks. Look, here we are." Mick looked up and saw the treehouse yet again. It looked the exact same way it had last time he saw it.

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