(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟏𝟐) accusations of theft

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ATHENA HAD BEEN PRETENDING TO MARK WORK when she heard a knock on the office door.

"Come in!" She called, glad to have a distraction as she placed down her quill and sat back into her chair.

The door opened and Harry walked in with a smile,

"Harry!" Athena beamed, "congratulations on your win yesterday it was brilliant! I was so proud, your parents would have been so proud!"

"Thanks" Harry grinned as he sat down on the chair in front of her, "I thought of my dad when I was playing... but he was a chaser right?"

"Yeah, great one too... not seeker material like you but I had two seeker friends (I must say that you're already on the way to exceeding both of them)".

"Who were they?"

"Marlene Mckinnon was the Gryffindor seeker" Athena smiled, "she was in the photos I showed you, blonde hair, lots of freckles, anyway she was brilliant! Always obsessed with the sport"

"And the other one?"

"Slytherin seeker Kennedy Vulpes" Athena replied,

"You were friends with Slytherins?" Harry gasped.

"They're not all bad Harry" Athena rolled her eyes, "I know some of them are but you find them in every house... anyway Kennedy was good, very competitive but never as great as Marlene I must say"

"Where are they now?"

"Marlene passed" Athena smiled sadly, "in the war and I have no idea where Kennedy is, probably not playing quidditch that's for sure"

Athena's eyes had lit up slightly as she talked about her old friends. She never really did talk about them because there was never really anyone to talk about them to however Harry loved hearing about them.

"Anyways" Athena interrupted herself, "what was going on with your broom? Nearly gave me a heart attack! Have you had it checked for curses? Will it be ok? You won't be playing again until I know it's ok! It must have been jinxed, I was looking around the stands trying to see who did it but I couldn't see anyone with their wand out!"

Athena's words fell over each other and Harry momentarily seemed rather overwhelmed before he spoke over her slightly,

"You weren't looking in the right place" he told her, "it was Snape jinxing the broom"

Athena faltered slightly as she took in the words that Harry had just said. She frowned for a moment before she laughed lightly,


"Hermione saw him muttering words! Like an incantation"

"If anything Snape was probably trying to stop the jinx which is what I should have been doing if I'd been a bit more competent" Athena sighed,

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