(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟗) breaking point

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"REMUS" yelled Athena as she burst through the fireplace and into the small cottage that she knew well. The girl had made the presumption that Remus would be here instead of at her home considering it was only midweek.

Her suspicion was confirmed when she heard fast paced footsteps coming from upstairs. A few moments later, Remus came hurrying around the corner looking shocked and concerned.

"What is it?" He asked. It looked as though he had just woken up or maybe he had just been asleep. It was late at night, only hours since the announcement had been made about the champions.

Athena hadn't had a peaceful thought since. Her mind was filled with images of Harry in danger, way out of his depth. The image of his scared face by the face imprinted into her memory. Her hands were shaking just thinking of it and there was no way to help him.

She felt useless. Her duty to help Harry and she'd miraculously failed. Someone was out to get him and Athena didn't know where to start in order to figure out who. There were so many people who would like to see Harry hurt or in danger and it made her sick to think about.

Athena doubted that a student would be capable of something like this not because they weren't malicious enough but because outsmarting Dumbledore took a level of intelligence that she didn't believe they yet had.

"Rena" Remus stared at Athena in worry as her panicked eyes scattered her environment. Her thoughts were so loud that at first she didn't hear him.

When their eyes met she was reminded of the happy emotions she'd felt the last time they'd been together. She should have listened to the gut feeling telling her that something was wrong. Athena should have realised that often her mind was further ahead than others. She was smart and she'd overlooked this, believing herself to be paranoid.

Tears ran down her face as the stress consumed her. Harry was in trouble and there was nothing she could do.

"Remus everything's gone wrong" Athena cried out.

She couldn't see a way that this problem could be solved. Athena couldn't simply deal with the fact that Harry was going to be one of the champions. She didn't care about a binding magical contract, Athena only cared about Harry's safety.

"Hey" Remus sighed out as he pulled her towards him. Athena wished she could have found comfort in his arms being around her however she just felt the same cold pang of dread that she'd felt before.

She could barely breathe for sobbing, the burning pain working its way up her chest and into her throat. The gasping sounds as she tried to form sense over what had happened.

"Rena what's going on?" Remus murmured, stroking the back of her hair gently in no avail to calm her down.

"It's Harry" Athena muttered though she supposed he could have already guessed that. It was always Harry, always in danger and always would be. His life was speckled with the upcoming threat of war and he didn't even know.

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