(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟖) the rogue bludger

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THE LAST THING ON ATHENA'S mind was quidditch however she found herself sat up in the stands nonetheless. Gryffindor were playing Slytherin and she had vowed never to miss one of Harry's games.

Most people had been talking about the Slytherins approaching the match. Since the emerald team all had new brooms thanks to Malfoy, there was talk that it was their year to bag the cup.

Athena wasn't so sure. After all, a good broom didn't warrant talent. She had high hopes that Harry was still ten times a seeker than Malfoy would ever be. However, she couldn't help but feel anxious as she sat waiting for the match to begin.

"Good morning, Athena!" A familiar voice called from behind her. Lockhart was standing beaming in his jade green robes. Athena forced a smile as he took the seat next to her.

She'd been seeing way too much of the man recently and was beginning to think that his presence was even more unwanted than Snape's. He was so full of himself that being around him was simply suffocating. Sure Snape was a slimy git with a sarcastic manner but at least he wasn't completely delusional.

"Good day for a match, isn't it?"

"It's ok, yes" Athena nodded in a simple response as the looked over the pitch. The players were walking on now. She cheered for the Gryffindor's along with the red clad part of the stands.

Madame Hooch's whistle sent a screeching noise through the pitch and the players role into the air like corks out of bottles. Harry flew up higher than all of him, his gaze already tuned looking for the snitch.

Athena watched as Malfoy followed him. She glared at the small figures as Malfoy began to circle Harry. It didn't seem in Malfoy's nature to play a fair game however she noticed that Madame Hooch also had her gaze fixated onto them.

Harry turned like a snap to face Malfoy and Athena supposed they must be having some kind of argument. However, a second later this thought had been wiped from her mind.

A heavy black bludger seemed to come out of nowhere, pelting towards him. Harry avoided it so narrowly that Athena nearly shut her eyes in distress. The boy looked after the bludger in surprise.

George Weasley wasn't close behind it, streaking past Harry with his club in one hand to knock the bludger back towards a Slytherin. George gave the bludger a powerful whack in the direction of Adrian Pucey.

However it seemed that as George did this, the bludger decided that it didn't want to hit Pucey at all. It changed directions in the air and shot straight for Harry again.

Athena was starting to get the impression that something was wrong. Harry dropped quickly to avoid it and George yet again went chasing after it. He hit it towards Malfoy this time.

Once again, the Bludger swerved like a boomerang and shot at Harry's head. It seemed that the bludger was intent on hitting Harry. They weren't supposed to do that and Athena looked towards Hooch to see whether the referee was witnessing the same events.

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