(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟔) the green line

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REMUS MUST HAVE MOVED ATNENA from the sofa to her bed because the next morning when she woke up it was not to the uncomfortable cramped situation of the leather sofa but to the warm memory foam mattress of the small cottage bedroom.

Her home had always been her favourite place but she had to say that Remus' cottage was a close second. Despite the faint smell of smoke the referenced the habit he'd lost, it was a comforting place. It was nearly always warm and the windows were surrounded by those wooden panes that Athena loved to stare out of. The back of the house was surrounded by dark pine trees and when it rained it felt a bit like a dream.

Although it was summer, his house always gave the vibe that autumn would be coming soon. There were cluttered shelves and so many books Athena was unsure how he'd had the time to collect them all. In the corner of his room stood the bass guitar she'd bought him one Christmas and plants were on the majority of surfaces that she could see.

Remus' cottage simply screamed Remus in every way that it could. Athena felt comforted not just because of the decoration but because of how much the decoration reminded her of him. It felt as though he was giving her a constant hug.

When Athena woke up, the sun was already pouring through the blinds casting lines of sunlight over the cream walls. She could smell the drifting scent of pancakes coming up the stairs and for a moment she felt nothing but hunger and then it hit her.

Athena only just managed to dash to the bathroom in time to be sick in the toilet. She couldn't have stopped it even if she'd tried. She'd been under the impression that she was getting better but evidently this was not the case.

She sat back against her heels, knees uncomfortable against the tiles as she flushed the toilet and pulled her hair away from her face. Yet again Athena felt dizzy and slightly faint. She'd slept for hours but could definitely collapse for another six if given the chance.

Athena stood up and stared at herself in the mirror. She was never fond of her reflection in the mornings because realistically who was? Her hair was a mess and in need of washing. She hated looking pale considering her skin often had a lot of colour and when she looked sick a green tinge would creep in.

Maybe this was just a sickness but even Athena could tell there was something more to it. She turned to her side and lifted her shirt to examine her stomach in the mirror. Athena thought she looked a bit bloated considering she hadn't eaten in a while. It was nothing strange, simply a small bump that she would see after eating a large meal.

Athena was undeniably thin. Her mother had said it was because of her height. She'd always been nearing six foot which meant that her weight was dispersed a lot more. However now as she frowned at her side profile she couldn't deny that there was something there.

She turned and locked the bathroom door behind her, tapping her foot against the floor and wondering what to do. This couldn't be happening, not now. Athena believed in another time this could have been a great thing but in the middle of a war. A war she could possibly die in. Athena was scared of what would happen. Her priority was Harry and this... well this could change everything.

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