(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟏𝟏) forgive and forget?

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ATHENA HAD MANAGED TO AVOID TALKING to Remus for a few days. With the burrow now charred and unfit for living, everyone had been helping to restore it back to the home the Weasley's had loved and cared for.

Luckily, living in a world of magic made this a surprising simple process. Nothing was damaged beyond repair as simple spell work could fix the broken wood and the burnt furniture.

The process was made a lot faster when working as a team. Athena had seen all of the Weasley children (except for Percy) there at some point helping to pick up the pieces and rebuild the burrow.

It was such an interesting creation, towering buildings placed on top of each other. Athena felt that she had never fully appreciated the time and work that had gone into building it. The burrow was a collage of everything which made the Weasley's so special. It could tell a story of their family with every cushion, room and photo.

After four days of being there almost constantly, Athena was glad to see that the burrow was starting to look like what it had before Bellatrix had set it alight. Of course they would have to use an abundance of strengthening spells before it was safe to live in again but everyone's moods were lightened by the fact that improvements were being made.

Athena was of course happy that together they'd managed to save the burrow however a small voice inside of her was now pointing out that she didn't have anything to distract herself anymore.

There were two things she needed distraction from. The first was Kennedy. Every time Athena closed her eyes she could see her friend laughing, smiling as she stared down at Fenrir Greyback lying dead in the marsh land in front of her.

Athena did not pity Greyback, she was more than happy that he was dead. Fenrir Greyback scared her more than most people did. He'd changed Remus' life forever and even though Athena loved Remus whether or not he was a werewolf, there was no denying that his life would have been easier if Fenrir hadn't preyed on him that night.

However, Athena was scared by the pure joy she had seen in Kennedy's eyes. Kennedy had reason to be grateful for the death of Fenrir. He'd turned her into a werewolf as well. Athena wasn't opposed to Kennedy killing Fenrir, he would have done the same (and probably worse) after all.

Yet in those moment where Kennedy's laughter filled the surrounding silence, echoing off the water around them and rustling through the reeds. Athena felt as though she couldn't recognise Kennedy. She'd never imagined Kennedy would derive so much pleasure from killing, from splitting her soul in two.

Athena knew Kennedy well. Maybe she was premature in saying this wasn't like Kennedy. After all, her friend had never been the same as her, never had the easy life or the good upbringing. They rarely shared the same values. This didn't stop Athena from feeling as though she'd lost her friend. Now Kennedy had disappeared into the dark night and Athena wasn't sure if she was coming back, she wasn't sure if she wanted her to.

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