(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟐𝟐) he'll rise again

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"YOU'VE BEEN BUSY" Sybil Trelawney noted as Athena climbed her way into the classroom. It seemed every time she came here the scent of lavender got stronger and stronger.

"How'd you figure that?" Athena asked.

"You used to come up here at lot more" Trelawney replied, "I suppose you spend all your free time with Remus nowadays"

"That and those stairs are a real killer" Athena laughed, "but yeah I suppose I have been rather busy, sorry I hadn't realised it had been a while"

"Oh it doesn't bother me" Trelawney smiled, "I'm glad you're not up here moping all of the time, it ruins my positive aura"

"I don't mope" Athena frowned as she took a seat around one of the circular tables.

"Sure you don't" Sybil replied unconvincingly, "somethings bothering you though I can tell"

"I need to figure out what someone's planning" Athena sighed, figuring that since Sybil never left the tower there was no risk in letting her help with this issue, "I need to know what their plan is so I can stop it from happening"

"Who are we talking about?" Sybil asked, "or is this confidential"

"It's not confidential it's just..." Athena's voice trailed off. She wasn't sure how to tell Sybil that talking about it could be putting others in danger. Truthfully she had no idea what she was dealing with and a large part of her was scared to find out.

"I get it, none of my business" Sybil shrugged, "well I know what I would do in a situation like that"

"What would you do?" Athena asked.

"I'd consult with my inner eye and look past today to see what they're planning" Sybil stated.

At first Athena ignored this. Sybil was always talking about the inner working of the universe, fate and the likes. Athena only believed about half of what she talked about. Or more accurately, she only understood half of it. However as she let the words move past her initial reaction she realised that this wasn't so crazy at all.

"Why didn't I think of that?" Athena gasped, "if I look into the future I'll see their plan and be able to stop it"

"Well that's not how it works" Sybil shook her head, "you wouldn't be able to stop it, that's not how fate works. Whatever you'd see would come to pass no matter what you did. Therefore I suppose it doesn't help you very much"

"But that creates the impression that whatever is going to happen is going to happen and there's no way around that"

"That's correct yes" Sybil nodded.

Athena tried to think of a way around this but her past experiences told her that there wasn't one. She'd been in this predicament before, constantly seeing visions that she couldn't change. It was frustrating, more than that, it was agonising.

𝐏𝐘𝐑𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐀 | Remus Lupin (2)Where stories live. Discover now