(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟐) arrivals

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IT FELT WEIRD GOING BACK TO HOGWARTS maybe it was simply because Athena had spent so much time away from it the previous year or maybe it was because in this time of darkness it felt weird going back to living life as they always would.

However Athena wasn't complaining about going back. The only thing she disliked about it was the fact that she'd be apart from Remus again. She wondered if this would always be the case. Of course she saw him every weekend but she'd love if he worked at the school again. Having him work in Hogwarts alongside her was Athena's dream. It's a shame she didn't appreciate it when he actually did work there.

She left Monday evening to make it at the school just before the school started. Kissing Remus goodbye, she left through the fire. His smile was the last thing she saw before her office appeared before her. It looked the same as it always had. Aurora had taken her absence to reorganise her files but Athena didn't care, she'd simply been too lazy to do it herself.

Aurora sat in the desk opposite as always. It was a wonder that she was already doing work. Surely she didn't have any marking to do when the school year had only just started.

She looked more tired than usual. Aurora was doing more for the order than anyone else in Athena's opinion. It was always on her mind and the woman always seemed to have a new plan. It was a shame, that Dumbledore believed he knew better. The truth was, he didn't.

Athena and Aurora made their way down to the feast together shortly after she arrived. Aurora kept going on about how NEWT and OWL results had gone down this year and she was more than sure it was down to Umbridge's horrendous teaching. Athena agreed of course. Once Umbridge had removed teachers from the school, placed students in fear and didn't teach practical magic it was a wonder to believe that the students would have done as brilliantly as always.

The two sisters took their seats at the table and tucked in as soon as the food arrived. Athena didn't pay too much attention to the students. She did notice that both Snape and Hagrid were missing from their seats. Athena wasn't worried about where Snape might be, it would better if he wasn't there. His presence always put a damper on her mood and for some reason she felt even more angered towards him after Sirius' death. Maybe she'd simply absorbed Sirius' anger towards him.

The feast was nearly finished when the doors to the great hall burst open. Athena had been halfway through her treacle tart and looked up in surprise. Snape walked into the hall first with his black robes flying behind him, giving the appearance of him being an overgrown bat.

Behind him walked a very foolish looking Harry Potter. He was staring at the floor as though hoping to not draw attention to himself however it wasn't working. He wasn't yet dressed in his robes but that's not what made Athena panic. It was the blood over his face that did that.

"Why is he covered in blood?" Athena hissed to her sister. Aurora looked just as confused as she did.

As Snape went to walk past the backs of their chairs, Athena shoved hers out so he was forced to stop in his tracks.

𝐏𝐘𝐑𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐀 | Remus Lupin (2)Where stories live. Discover now