(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟐𝟒) insecure

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ATHENA DASHED ACROSS THR PITCH along with everyone else. Pointing her wand at Crabbe and Goyle, she pushed them back causing them to topple into the mud as she went to grab Neville's arm. His nose was dripping blood as he held his hands over his face in pain.

McGonagall had managed to get Malfoy and Weasley apart and both were looking very ashamed as they stood kicking their shoes into the ground.

"Malfoy, Weasley, Crabbe, Goyle follow me to my office now!" McGonagall called sternly, "Athena you might want to take Longbottom to the hospital wing"

"Will do Professor" Athena agreed as she placed her hand on Neville's back and started leading him away from the rallying students. There were still ongoing cheers of ceremonious victory as Athena and Neville pushed through the crowds of red and gold.

The mob were following them back up to the school yet together Athena and Neville walked a lot faster. Neville's jeans were coated in mud which had splashed up onto his favourite Gryffindor jumper. Athena waved her wand hastily and the mud vanished. She would do the same with the blood however she thought it best to get him to Madame Pomfrey first.

"What were you thinking Neville" Athena sighed, "did they start it? They're just the type—"

"I started it" Neville murmured quietly. Athena looked down at him in surprise however he was still sheltering his injury between reddened hands.

She didn't say anything else as she led the small boy blindly into the hospital wing. Madame Pomfrey had been busying herself rearranging ointments as they walked in. She hurried over and led Neville to a bed where she cleaned him up with some quick spell work. Neville's nose had been broken however the matron was able to put it back to normal with a simple Episkey spell.

There were more injuries coming in after that from the game. Bludgers seemed to be the bane of Poppy's job as she hurried around the players looking weary and pained. Neville sat on the white linen bed staring at his now clean hands. He gave off a strong feeling of shame and Athena let out a long sigh as she sat down in the chair beside him.

"Why did you try and take on both Crabbe and Goyle at the same time Nev? They're twice your size" Athena began.

"They were being horrible about Harry" Neville huffed, "and about me and well... both you and Harry told me I should stand up for myself"

"Yes but standing up for yourself doesn't mean fighting people" Athena continued, "I thought you knew better Nev"

"They were being horrible about Harry!" Neville protested, "Harry doesn't deserve that"

"They're just jealous" Athena smiled calmly.

"Yeah of Harry not of me" Neville huffed,

"They should be jealous of you" Athena went on, "there's a lot you have that they don't"

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