(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟗) the smoking goblet

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ATHENA STRODE INTO THE POTIONS classroom in fury as she glared at the professor meddling over a cauldron.

"I was wondering when you would show up" he sneered.

"How dare you!" Athena snapped, "how dare you treat Neville in that way! Talking down on him, he's thirteen! You are the thing he is scared of most in the world and that doesn't even seem to bother you. Does that not suggest that you are doing an absolutely terrible job of being a teacher?"

"Longbottom is incompetent!" Snape snapped

"No you are!" Athena yelled, "Neville would be good at your subject if you actually taught him something instead of placing the fear of god into him. Do you seriously not see a problem?"

"I will teach my lessons as I see fit" Snape replied coldly,

"You've been treating him even worse since the boggart lesson, I know you have"

"I do not enjoy students going around laughing at the image of me wearing a dress and a vulture topped hat"

"Oh lighten up!" Athena sighed, "that wasn't Neville's idea it was Remus'"

"That doesn't surprise me in the slightest, that man—"

"Was teaching a lesson" Athena frowned.

"Why are you defending him?"

"For correctly showing students how to tackle boggarts?" Athena asked warily, "because he was doing his job Severus which is something that you never seen to do correctly"

"I've been more than tempted to simply slip a little bit of poison into this" Snape muttered as he stirred the cauldron lightly.

Athena turned to look at it. The liquid did not seem appealing in the slightest. It was a darkish green colour with steam rising out of it in mismatched spirals. The smell was of burning.

"What is that?" Athena asked,

"Wolfsbane potion, the full moon is at the end of the week and Lupin needs to have some everyday"

"How kind of you" Athena drawled sarcastically, "I'm sure you'd love to poison him Severus however I suggest you stop thinking about it if you care about your job in the slightest"

"Hmm" Snape replied, "I heard raised voices coming from the staff room the other day"

"Did you realise that it was none of your business and turned the other way?" Athena asked coldly.

"No I did not"

"Why doesn't that surprise me?" Athena sighed.

She hadn't thought much of the conversation she'd had with Remus. Athena had stuck to her word and avoided him as much as she could. Having breakfast earlier, taking lunch back to her office.

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